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strains the mind

Confusing. Perplexing.

Something that takes great effort to figure out.
Stated on the final episode of Firefly by a bounty hunter when asked how he managed to get into the ship.

Kaley: What--how..(trying to understand how this is possible).
Erley: Strains the mind a bit don't it?

by vordmeister1001 January 22, 2011

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mind fuck

Lsd; acid, squares...

"hey yo I got some squares, want 1?" "na, i dont want any of that mind fuck."

by Ryan Huggins November 4, 2006

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Mind your business

Stop worrying about stuff you don't come up in. Stop being nosy about everything.

Every hoe mind your business

by Jogs on your face May 4, 2017

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Reddit hive-mind

Reddit is a popular social commentary website that houses the largest hive mind (collective conscience) on the internet.

The said hive-mind often loves to find the tiniest bits of "hidden meanings" in people's opinions and use it against them, regardless whether those implications were intentional or not. It is essentially an act of guessing what the opinion giver failed to admit (as if they had any) and calling them out on it.

Most of the time, the hive-mind's guessing game turns out to be plain wrong and the opinion giver is left in a state of astonishment and resentment, as they obviously didn't mean to imply whatever the hive-mind claims they were implying.

This often results in the OP (original poster) to give a grudged reply to the Redditor, clarifying that this is not what they meant to say. If such a reply is disdainful enough, it will warrant more Redditors to come in and defend the hive-mind with more ridiculous accusations (e.g. "you're just trying to cover up that...", "you're failing to see...", etc.). And the hive-mind will do this until the OP gives up from all the downvotes.

While such an interrogative 'tactic' is useful in places such as academic critiquing and obviously police interrogation, on a social commentary website, it is practically useless and quite frankly infuriating. It is doing nothing but gaslighting the opinion giver.

Example of the Reddit hive-mind in action #1:

OP: Can weed make you as intoxicated as alcohol?
Redditor 1: No, and why do you ask? Please don't tell me you're going to use weed as a date rape drug...
OP: Ummm... what? No, why would you even assume that that was my intention?
Redditor 2: Because the way you phrased it seemed like you were asking to use it on somebody.
OP: *feeling astonished* I-I literally was never even aware of the way I phrased it.....
Redditor 3: Well now you're aware.
OP: .....I'm sorry? What did I even do wrong?? I was literally just curious, jeez people.

Example of the Reddit hive-mind in action #2:

OP: I think that every topic can be joked about, within reason.
Redditor 1: Soooo basically you don't think every topic can be joked about....
OP: What.... well I mean yeah I guess if you put it that way, but that wasn't really my point. Obviously some jokes can't be taken to the extreme.
Redditor 2: But that means you're implying that people can't freely express what they might think is funny. You have no right to control someone else's thoughts or humor.
OP: You know what? Just shut the fuck up. I'm sick and tired of the Reddit hive-mind.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian June 23, 2020

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yetis on my mind

Yetis on my mind is the premier track by JHAZE and YoungPhatHefner, both from Moncton, New Brunswick. It tells the tale two determined young lads who smoke their yetis with your bitches or alone. (note: Yetis are a mix of tobacco and marijuana)

Cut a snip of a smoke, pack it down with some dope, use a cig to poke, now just take a toke

It was Grade 9 when I started smokin', used to do a bit now I'm always tokin'

Fuck my asthma, fuck my lungs

I've got yetis on my mind, always smokin' on the find

by Poppin' yets November 3, 2013

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mind over mattress

The act of engaging one's brain in an effort to wake up from deep sleep.

On weekends and on Monday mornings, it's always mind over mattress. My alarm clock tries to scare the daylights into me.

by yes juanito yes June 6, 2015

Mind over Matter

Mind over matter is a phrase that essentially refers to one's ability to use will power over physical limitations. While it was originally used to explain phenomenon such as Telekinesis and other Paranormal constructs, it actually has a real life meaning as well. The mind, in of itself is capable of accomplishing infinite limitations brought on by the environment. The limitations whether they be physical or mental hinder us from reaching our full potential. Therefore, it is important for us to believe that we are nothing less than powerful in our determination and grit to succeed.

He lost tore a muscle in his leg but still scored five goals in the soccer championship. Clearly a case of mind over matter.

Mind over matter is the dancer's mantra when performing in front of large crowds.

by PTrockstar92 February 10, 2014

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