Greeting used by German politician Philipp Amthor, becoming a meme after being used by German YouTuber Rezo.
Na ihr Nerds? Habt auch ihr Lust, von mir zerstört zu werden? - Philipp Amthor
the real way to sing the hacuna matata song
'a peanut na boota, what a wonderful phrase'
this language is a dialect of burma, it means ''Do you want to suck my dick''
''You and a girl making out''
You: Ka zuzu/zang na ei tu maw?''
Literally means "go shit in a sack" in Eurpoean portuguese, but when read phonetically, this is what barn-born portuguese people misinterpret when white Americans yell "Cock Sucker" at them.
"Hey you a-cawllin' me a caga na saca?! No way muthrah fuck! All day I a says you the caga na saca! Cam on, Bonanza, I flip you ass & break-a you face! You fuck, shoe makeh, I kill 'em you face!"
a chorus from a song in an ableist yaoi which fetishizes mlm relationships and includes cp, rape, and teacher x student relationships !! even the song is about rape and underaged sex !!
sawarasenai🥰kimi😸wa⛓shoujo👻na💅no ✨bökù🌸wâ🧚ÿariçhiñ🤴bįcchī😾ńo😩osû🚣dà🎉yo💦
Na-imaa is the most joyful person to be around, she can lighten anyones day just by being around them. Her smile can make anyone feel better and when she cries it literally breaks everyones heart. She’s fun and the most kind hearted person ever, she’s always there for people.
She’s also a very comforting and non judgmental person ever. <3
Person 1- You know Na-imaa?
Person 2- Yeah, why?
Person 1- She’s like the sun, she brightens my days.
Person 2- Mine too!