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National Pimp Day

A day of pimping. Each year NPD falls on the Saturday of the NFL draft. Originated in April of 2006, this annual holiday was created in order to celebrate the pimpness of a group of friends. NPD is comparable to a bachelor party, but instead of only occuring once, occurs annually. Historically, the day has begun with 18 holes of golf. All pimps then meet up at a house to watch the draft, where in addition to waching the draft, pimps partcipate in other pimptivities such as drinking,grilling, and video games. After the draft, pimping will continue at a bar/club of choice. The worst case scenario of NPD is that each pimp brings back two babies to smash.

I can't wait until National Pimp Day (NPD). I haven't pimped with you guys in awhile.

by NJPimp527 April 8, 2008

20πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

National Emo Day

A day for the all emos to congregate together for a mass non-celbration, and general whine about life.

Celebrated on the 19th of December.

"oh my god... My life is like, so totally HARD."
"yeah me too... I hate my life, like SO much"
"hey, you know what we should do?"
"go to national EMO day"
"omg yeaaaah!!
I mean, like. Okay, Whatever, man."

by Johnatronn December 5, 2009

44πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

National Poop Day

National Poop Day is a day where you and your friends have to poop at least 3-5 times in one day. If not then you have failed poop day and you and your friends (whoever failed) has to stick their whole middle finger up their own butthole.

β€œYo man did you know today’s national poop day?!”

by bootysmacker1000 October 3, 2020

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

national gay day

A day when all gay activity’s are ok and not to be mentioned after

Man slaps another mans butt aye it’s national gay day

by Djsilverx February 8, 2018

14πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

National nudes day

April 17th, or national nudes day, is a day where you send explicit pictures of your body to a person of the opposite sex

Oh I’m going to try nudes off of her tomorrow as it’s national nudes day!

by The Mingemeister April 16, 2020

15πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

National Punk Day

Also known as-NPD

Its where you throw on a British/Irish punk accent, dress like a punk rocker (Ramones, Sex Pistols, etc.).
*Note- These bands are just examples, being a punk is about being bold and doing something unique and original. Also, I'm not responsible for any anarchist activity you do on this day, or any other day.

It's always to be celebrated on January 31st (Johnny Rotton's Birthday. It's made as a response to Natinoal Emo Day.

Celebrator #1 - "Oy! Are you celebratin' National Punk Day?"

Celebrator #2 - "I am you lazy sod... NOW F*** OFF YOU C***!"

by Austin M-H August 17, 2008

16πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

National Motorboat Day

On April 18, go up to a shordy and motorboat her titties!

*Motorboats tittes* you can’t complain, it's national motorboat day!

by anonymous.mandem April 17, 2018

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