A person, typically named Pam, who possesses an uncanny ability to create and thrive on drama in any given situation, much like a llama reveling in attention.
When Pam walked into the family gathering, she brought her Drama-Pama-llama energy with her, turning a simple conversation about dinner plans into a full-blown soap opera complete with tears, accusations, and exaggerated sighs.
Something that happens when a popular person does something bad and people are gossiping about it then that person gets cancelled or something. It happens on lots of fandoms like the OSC, fnf, twitter, roblox, youtube, etc.
Random Person: hey did you know the insert person here drama?
Another Random Person: yeah i think they should be cancelled...
Random person: ok
Another another random person: i hate internet drama
the two of them: same...
A subgenre of film with a large variety of visuals and stories.
Wes Anderson makes the best Department Store Dramas.
\ kə-ˈla-t(ə-)rəl ˌ ˈdrä-mə , ˈdra-\ -- Anxieties induced by over exposure to the troubles, trials, and tribulations, incessantly retold by friends and co-workers.
Jobie was asked, by her manager, to work from home, as her personal life was causing too much collateral drama within the tightly knit cubical workspace.
Stutter drama queen a girl that is stupid and stutters all the time she is drama s9 don’t be friends with her and thinks she is the queen of England like bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bro JSUT don’t be firends with that GWORL
Stutter drama queen girl: h-h-hey di-did u know I’m th-th-the queen
You: girl shut up u stutter drama queen no one likes u
When 2 people argue about something stupid and one person is always right, Conny says but, and she finds something else to bring up so the argument doesn't stop.
Conny Drama means
You are right .....BUT, .....
When 4 drama queens are in a group together, laughing at other people and what-not ( a famous example is the plastics in Mean Girls )
Look at that drama quadratic, I wonder what their laughing at.