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Spring Splash

Dated the Saturday two weeks before finals week of the spring semester, Spring Splash is the biggest drinking event of the year for students at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Alcohol flows like Niagara Falls and the freshman are easier to spot than the sun.

I’m gonna wake up at 8am and drink until I pass out on Spring Splash.

by UWW Lore April 28, 2022

Spring Break Greens

Euphemism for Marijuana.

Billy: Hey man, I've got the spring break greens. Hit me up if you need some.

Jason: Sick bro.

by kittensarereallycute January 10, 2012

Rock Springs

A complete shithole town in Wyoming filled with passive aggressive cowards, people who call the cops on you for having flowers growing in your yard, and people who have meth parties where they sound like they are murdering women with hammers. Everyone there is ugly and haggard. The 20 year olds look 30, and the 30 year olds look 42. Half of the town is on meth, and the other half are alcoholics. The people in town are liars and morally corrupt. They never stick to their word and are completely pathetic. It is a perfect representation of Wyoming as a state. The world would be a better place if Rock Springs burned to the ground.

I moved to Rock Springs and realized why Wyoming has the highest suicide rate in the whole country.

by KeepWalkingBitchFace September 29, 2023

Spring Yard Zone

The third zone in Sonic the Hedgehog 1. This zone is known for its banger ass music and the springs obviously.

Damn Marble zone was mad slow welp time to play some spring yard zone

by HyperFaker December 29, 2022

The Spring Break Effect

(n.) an unspecified period of time before spring break during which a student (or faculty member) loses the ability to accurately perceive the passage of time.

Dr. Richard Block identified a framework of four interrelated factors that affect this perception: (1) characteristics of the time experiencer, (2) time-related behaviors and judgments, (3) contents of a time period, and (4) activities during a time period.

The Spring Break Effect will cause noticeable changes in everyday life. For example, students will likely experience feelings of acedia (mental sloth, apathy, indifference, boredom) or exhaustion caused by sleep deprivation. Days will run together to the point where they are distinguished only by the assignments or exams scheduled. Most of an individual's "productive" time will be spent on academic tasks that will range between mindless and tedious. (If a suffer is subjected to these conditions for extended periods of time, particularly when tasks are mindlessly tedious, it is recommended that they consult a mental health professional.) Finally, those affected will spend increased and possibly unhealthy amounts of time on social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, if the subject is female).

Person A: "How is it only Tuesday?"
Person B: "I don't know. It feels like Friday."
Person C: "Dude, you're experiencing the Spring Break Effect."
Person A: "Is that fatal?"
Person C: "No, but staying awake for 72 hours might."
Person B: "Shit."

by Layla Clinch March 8, 2012

Winter Spring

The most wonderful boy you can ever meet. he is caring, loving, smart and handsome. He is the best friend a boy can have and the most amazing boyfriend a girl can have.The one that will be there for you all the time. The one who's laugh can make your day, the one who's smile just makes you a little happier. His eyes are as beautiful as a the ocean. He is great at sports and will try his best to make you happy.

Damn everytime i call him "Winter Spring Rolls" i always get hungry

by Winter Spring June 18, 2021

Spring Onion

A named used for the trashiest of anime trash weebs you will ever meet.

amazing and derpy and wonderful weebs.

person 1: do they like anime?
person2: have you met them?? such a spring onion!

by flamingpancakes& October 11, 2016