A particularly perplexing and confusing circumstance. A situation that boggles the mind. A "head-scratcher", often unexpected; an odd occurrence suddenly made apparent.
Chuckford: "I was getting ready to take it home with that girl from the bar, when she slung a rod out of her britches bigger than mine!"
Rastafarian Billy: "What a nut jumbler! I can easily see how that would perplex anyone in a similar scenario!"
Chuckford: "Word. What a way to spend a Tuesday."
Man, I gotta put on my pair of AF nut huggers and go take my PT test.
A male who sucks up to and idolizes another male. Someone who basically worships other guys because he is so pathetic himself.
Gee that Fabian Flores is a real nut hugger. He's totally and completely on Sharky's dick.
used to say that someone is laggig in their work or falling behind dragging the "whole team" down
derived from the term "not the sharpest tool in the shed" well a "rusty nut" is not even in the shed its that random thing you found in your yard that you keep just in case you find what it goes to
Kristen is the rusty nut tonight man. she isnt getting her damn dishes done
A young and inexperienced co worker who can't do stuff without messing it up
To fix what Whistle nuts screwed up .
Over the top reaction to a mediocre video
Daniel: “did you like Master and Commander?”
Paul: “oh my god it was so amazing...best film”
Daniel: “visca nut”
The slapping of the scrotem on ones inner thighs.
Do you have a bag case of knockin' nuts?