Either an arctic flightless bird or a bunch of small midgets in tuxedos who like the cold.
Penguins are some of the weirdest birds in existence. And yet, we still love them.
A woman who doesn’t have a child of her own or who has been dismissed by her child so she hovers over someone else’s child to make up for what she doesn’t have.
n. She could’ve had children but she just wants to be a penguin.
v. She has a child who doesn’t listen so she penguins that other kid.
*it should be noted that a “penguin” is a relative of the mother hen”.
A lovable animal that lives in Antartica. You can own a penguin with lots of paperwork and permits. They are a social animal. Ty warner invented beanie boos. He released original waddles in 2009.
Penguins are such a cute and lovable animal!!
An intergalactic race of conquerors engaged in a secret war with the USA. Known for causing many problems over the centuries like the civil war, Pearl Harbor, and the sabotage of Kanye West’s presidential run.
President “Can we be sure melting the ice caps will slow them down”
Secretary of defense “yes sir it will give us at least 5 more years to figure out How to stop an all out penguin invasion”
President “A small price to pay for salvation indeed”
Cold Christian Chicken Priest
Can Be A Chonker
Likes To Show Breasts by running at people with them in front of it.
ME: I would give a blowjob to a penguin
Everyone else: Yes
A gay bottom. The opposite of a bear.
I don’t wanna be on top, man! I’m a penguin!
its the best animal alive
penguin penguin penguin penguin penguin penguin for for for for for for for life life life life life life