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PPD (period in dick)

When a man is acting emotional and bitchy - just like a woman when she has her period

Gucci mane: wacka flocka flame sure is acting bitchy

Lil wayne: yeah, but he's PPD (period in dick)

Gucci mane: wut?

lil wayne: he has a period in his dick, dont you see the blood in his pants

Gucci mane: dont cha like my adlibs?

by NewNYslang December 10, 2010

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Asshole Recovery Period

The lag time after a shit in which you're unable to sit down. Not to be confused with Post Shit Syndrome.

Rick had an hour long asshole recovery period after downing 2 foot long chilli cheese dogs.

by TesticularTorsion September 2, 2014

Period pussy queen

Used as an alternative for Ok or Alright Period pussy queen describes the fast pace of life making its term lively and fun to say often used as PPQ or ppq for abbreviated slang

“Hey sluts guess what just happend”- x
“I was just gangbanged by some black homies on the corner of 6th and 3rd by melrosè deli”- x
“Oh period pussy queen”-Sluts

by sugarbaddiehoneyglisspoohbear May 9, 2023

Slay queen period

"SLAY QUEEN PERIOD" Is something a Guy named Sebastian would say, like "Slay queen period" whenever someone spat them facts out, or just being a weirdo in General? -Perhaps being the girly person that he is-

Girl: "Ewww you see that Guy over there, he's Disgusting" Sebastian: Slay queen Period.

by Slay queen Period October 15, 2022

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Period power limit

The believe that there is a limit to how much power a person can have in a time period.

The period power limit will stop all dictators.

by NAM420 December 14, 2016

3-d period

When a period is so heavy that it's thick and chunky

Boy: "Hey wanna have period sex?"
Girl: "We really shouldn't, this is a 3-D period"

by ShortStuff801 April 18, 2015

Bald Guy Period

A phenomenon that occurs after a balding man shaves in which they are incredibly irritable and angry (most likely as a part of the grieving process in which they lament their permanent loss of hair)

Friend: Mr. Johnson flipped out on me for no reason today

Me: Don't worry, he's just on his Bald Guy Period

by VitaliMaliarov17 March 16, 2023