Fans of Oklahoma State University athletics teams. The butt-fuckinest, most annoying wanna be redneck fans found in the state of Oklahoma. They are located around the shitty little town of Stillwater. Most people would rather wipe their asses with 1-ply toilet paper than live in that shit box town for more than the 4 years required. The Pokes are the red-headed step sibling to Sooners fans and are subpar in every sport except wrestling.
I’d rather root for the Cleveland Browns than be Pokes fans.
Slapped directly in the face with a pussy.
If you don't shut up I'll tuna poke the shit out of you!
A very inappropriate softball cheer. Used by coaches to get their teams ready to hit... what we dont know
When the team came in from playing defense, the coach has the team cheer "Stroke it, poke it, put it in the hole" to get them fired up to hit
Poking peoples belly buttons in order to embrace their innies and outties
I participated in the belly button pokes in New Jersey on behalf of belly button pride.
The act of administering a very thorough penial slanging.
That bitch is bad...she can most definitely get the poke action! wouldn't believe the poke action I handed out last night!
When Skyler's mom and Kathy poke each others privates with their pinkies
My mom and Kathy pinky poke each other