A term for a wooded area where gay men like to gather and perform sexual intercourse
Me and John took a trip to “ye old prison woods”
When a vertically challenged person uses their body to pin you down in the bedroom.
She locked me in her dwarf prison.
A person who willingly sacrifices their freedom for the greater good of their country, community, or cause. This term is often used to describe individuals who have been imprisoned for their political beliefs, activism, or involvement in revolutionary movements.
Nelson Mandela was a true prisoner of freedom who spent 27 years behind bars fighting against apartheid in South Africa.
A cool line to say when you're Escaping unorthodox containment
The police: "Man I really hope that panopticon Held that guy"
Sisyphus Prime from the hit game Ultrakill by hakita: "This prison... To hold... ME?"
The police, Screwed: "Oh dear!"
When one prisoner is blowing another and catches the load in his mouth then spits it onto the penis of a third prisoner so he can use it as lube to fuck the 2nd man in the ass
Tyrone used Bubbas prison sauce as lube to fuck Wilber in the ass
Medications that inhibit the ability to create and retain memories, often benzodiazepines.
Patient: "Hello, Doctor: I suffer from anxiety and depres-"
Doctor: "Xanniieesss!"
Patient: Excuse me officer how did i get here.
Officer: "You were found unresponsive in a stolen car with a dead baby in the back seat"
Patient: "They should call these things Prison Pills"
A portable harry ass for any time discreet fucking.
Timmy busy with that damn prison fanny pack again.