A bumpy and orange-yellow food that can be turned into a jack-o-lantern.
Can also be used as a name for a pet.
Pumpkin is Kris's dog but Isabel's best friend.
The action of masturbating while taking a shit
Matt went to the bathroom to pumpkin it up
Something transfem people aren't allowed to go near.
I used to love carving faces in pumpkins but then I realized I was a woman.
Pumpkin is a orange dog cute and sometimes small like a pumpkin
Wow its a cute little pumpkin dog
Busting it down Burn the house down slay girlboss live laugh love yourself mwa mwa.
Person 1: woah! Do you see that black cat right there?
Person 2: yeah, thats Pumpkin!
Person 1: whos Pumpkin?
Person 2: burn the house down slay girlboss live laugh love yourself mwa mwa.
Person 1: oh. Thats delightful.
Person 1 and person 2 make out.
the most supernatural of fruits.
guy 1 "aaaaaah its a monster "
guy 2 "no its a pumpkin
He’s a very good gorilla tag player that jukes a lot and can scale 1v1s anyone who wants to he likes being in competitive
“Oh no pumpkin is in the sever we need to leave!” “He’s to good”