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retarded jack

Someone who is completely retarded when sexually active but usually a stinky ass turd and needs to get friends.

Jack was really a retarded jack when he tried to do the sixty-nine position with Desere, the fat stinky hoe of the town.

by Chink Ming October 23, 2013

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Copycat retard

A group of people or an individual that is so mentally retarded that they cannot think for themselves, so has to copy catchphraises or mimic certain hand gestures such as clicking fingers off a fellow slightly smarter retard of the group.

simon and ryan are so retarded they copy adam in every way possible this is from a simple click of the fingers to repeating everything that he has just said in a previous sentance, from now on people like these are called copycat retards.

by kev schmit March 9, 2008

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beat retarded

The point at which one has been beaten, physically, emotionally, and or spiritually that the end result is of them being in a permanent state of retard.

Dude 1: wtf happened to dude 2 and why is he acting retarded?

Dude 2: (mumbles whilst drooling) manarah!
Some other dude: oh he got beat retarded.

by mogar08 December 19, 2011

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tactical retard

a person who uses the same tactic every time even though it usualy fails

chris: frontal assault will work.
chris: maybe it will work this time.
chris: maybe it will work this time.
steve: what a tactical retard

by MR.Chaosman12345 December 16, 2009

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Retard showdown

At lunch when two autistic kids stare down eachother from across the table and grunt and spazz out at the same time.

Roman: see those kids? Bout to have a retard showdown

by DopeRedHead420699/11 September 24, 2019

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Getting Retarded

The act of becoming so undeniably inebriated on various forms of alcohol and drugs that you absolutely cannot comprehend what the hell is going on around you or in your life.

"All these people are coming over and I don't know whether I should let them park here or pick them up somewhere. What do you think?"

"Umm, what? I don't know what the fuck is going on...
Man I'm fuckin' getting retarded."

by Seminoles91 February 17, 2010

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Technologically Retarded

One who has no grasp of technology, no matter how times one has to explain how to use something electronic

Wife: Honey what button do I push to turn on the stereo
husband: You are so Technologically Retarded, press the Audio button

by RyeDawg II November 1, 2011

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