a guy who looks and acts like kid rock at a kid rock show.
"Hey look, there goes kid duck" lets throw a beer on him.
Slip Kid is a The Who song on Who By Numbers. The song talks about how you can't really ever be completely free no matter what your age.
And I'm a soldier at thirteen
Slip kid, slip kid, realization
There's no easy way to be free
No easy way to be free
Slip kid, slip kid, second generation
Only half way up the tree
Slip kid, slip kid, I'm a relation
I'm a soldier at sixty-three
No easy way to be free
24👍 5👎
A label of young people that has become more prominent in use over the past decade. Scene kids are usually aged 14 – 21. Sometimes older or younger. Scene kids older than 20 are commonly referred to as scenesters.
Scene kids are often mistaken for emo kids- and while there are many similarities there are also many differences. When emo music first became trendy in the 80s and 90s, ‘emotionally hardcore’ teenagers would go to these emo concerts. Today, emo music is still popular, and because scene kids go to ‘hardcore’ shows, they too often attend these concerts, and others will see them in the crowd with emo kids, and think that they are emo as well, as the two groups influence each other. (Thus, emo hair is popular with scene kids, and band t-shirts popular with emos). The term ‘emo’ is also often abused to the extent that many people categorize emo and scene as the same.
Scene kids are obsessed with Hello Kitty, dinosaurs, little kiddy things, and bright colors. They’re usually nice people, but will be offended if you call them ‘emo’. Some also do not like to be called scene, or labeled at all. Scene kids will often give the impression that they think that they’re better than everyone else, but it depends on the person. They are best friends with their iPod, computer and cell phone. Many people do not like scene kids because they think that they are unoriginal and all look the same, and are trying too hard, or are annoying, or unattractive. While this is true in some cases, it is ironic that most ‘normal’ people also dress similarly to each other, and scene kids will think that ‘normal’ people are not as attractive as themselves. In many places there is a mutual hate between scenes kids and non-scene kids for these reasons.
The aim of a scene kid is to get 1039289482 friends on Myspace and go to all the local shows. They are obsessed with music. They usually listen to bands like Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco and From First to Last. Their tastes vary however, many listen to pop or rap as well, but screamo and rock are generally the most popular alongside metal, and such; anything hardcore, that 'normal' people don't listen too. 'FerSure' is their theme song. Local shows are one of the most important parts of being a scene kid, that's why they're called 'scene' kids. They're part of the music scene. The less well known the venue/band is, the better- as long as they're good, of course. :
Scene kids are EXTREMELY vain. The most important part of their appearance is their hair. Girls will usually have a straight fringe, or more commonly an emo fringe swept to the side with cross clips. It will be wildly teased and their style icon looks like an electrocuted dead animal. Extensions are very popular, as well as clip in extensions of assorted colors. Scene hair is usually blonde or black with other colored sections or streaks. Often they will tiger stripe part of their hair. Unnatural colors such as blue and pink are very popular. Boys will also have either a side fringe or a flat fringe. It is generally shorter than a girl's hair, but will be equally as teased. Also note that the hair of both sexes must be dead straight. Curls or waves of any shape or form are unacceptable. Girls (and sometimes guys) will wear brightly colored clips or bows in their hair. They usually cut and dye their hair themselves, or get a friend to help.
The makeup is also crucial. Boys sometimes wear make up too. This usually only consists of black eyeliner and red eye shadow. For girls, the eyes are the main focus. They wear neon/bright colored eye shadows, or sometimes a dark black. The main idea is to not hold back on the make up. They wear an excessive amount of black eyeliner as well. False eyelashes are not that uncommon too. They often use the ‘wing’ effect of the eye shadow, or will draw Egyptian ‘flicks’ with eyeliner. Sometimes even draw in eyelashes with eyeliner. Point is, the first thing you notice about a scene girl is her eyes.
As far as clothing goes, this is the point where scene kids are often mistaken for emos. Fashion for scene kids is diverse, differing from location to location. Popular articles of clothing include skinny jeans, band t-shirts, studded belts (usually a white triple or double pyramid belt) ballet-like skirts, leggings, hoodies, fishnets or other wacko designed stockings, hobo-gloves, bright colors, zebra or leopard prints, skulls and polka dots are also popular. For jewelry, more is more. Strings of beads and pearls are essential. Rainbow beads are widespread; they sometimes wear cuffs or checkerboard sweatbands, and rings on girls. Shoes are equally as important. Girls will most often wear round-toed ballet flats, brands are also important when it comes to shoes. So keds and converse flats are popular. Converse all stars, vans, and DCs are what male scene kids generally get around in. The typical male scene shoe is the b/w checkerboard classic slip on vans shoe. Girls usually prefer the fandango colored one. Sorry for being too specific. >_>
Scene kids are known for being super hyper. They make friends quickly and easily. Some partner up well, but others seem to have fan bases of hundreds and jump around from partner to partner quite rapidly. Smoking is widely accepted through the scene community, whist a handful are straight edge, the majority of others will smoke socially. Scene kids who are straight edge will wear a bandana in their hair, the others will wear one around their neck, or sometimes tied to their pocket or bag; however, many non-straight edge scene kids will still wear a bandana in their hair. Piercings and tattoos are common. The most popular are snakebites, which boys have more commonly than girls, who usually only get a lip ring on one side. A monroe piercing is common too, as well as a septum piercing or a side nose ring. Eyebrows are uncommon but still accepted, as well as an anti-brow. Boys often have plugs, this is not as common with females, some scene kids also have industrials and navel piercings. Tattoos vary widely, however, stars on the hips and wrist are very popular.
All in all, scene is just a trend. It’s the same as being a prep or a skater. There are numerous exceptions to what’s written above. Hating all scene kids, or saying that all scene kids are hot or all look the same, is a large generalization, the same as saying that all blondes look the same, or that all Asians look the same- it’s just not true in all cases.
"She's so scene."
"He is a scene kid."
"My sister is a scenester."
342👍 123👎
The 2000s kids are the last good generation to be born.
666👍 257👎
Born between 1995-2005
Events a 2000s Kid May remember: BP Oil Crisis, 2004-2005 President Election, 2008-2009 President Election, Somali Pirates, Iraq War, 2000s Cell Phones, 9/11, The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Bolt, Over The Hedge, Ice Age; Webkinz, Wii, Xbox
286👍 104👎
A wall kid is a male or female high school celebrity that stands by a wall (but in reality it is a railing). They drive jeeps, throw a pigskin a quarter mile, drink enormous amounts of liquor, and have a better life than you. They cannot survive without their friends, they run the school, they do not care about your opinion, and they only wear sports attire. These exclusive people will not move for you in the hallway and have the front row reserved for them at sporting events. You will spot a male wall being sporting mid calf stockings and a "sick flow" hairstyle. A female wall child is a girl that is a future model already planning plastic surgery. In a nutshell you will never be a wall kid, if you think you are a wall kid go take a good long look at yourself in the mirror.
Wall Kid: "Yo bro! How come you don't stand by the wall?"
Normal Kid: "Because I am not a wall kid and I have common sense."
Normal Kid: "Hey, are you a wall kid?"
Wall Kid: *no response*
51👍 14👎
The Band kids are a subculture native to the marching bands of high school that share the common characteristics of having a greasy hair complexion, obsession with the national anthem of the now-dissolved polity of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and being unfunny. Often found in marching bands in high schools, they also have a significant diaspora in the social media communities of Reddit and Discord, with some residing in Tumblr or Twitter. Diverse politically and sexually, most are irreligious and introverted, with varying hobbies. Naturally, most of these band kids have no obligation for showering, causing their greasy hair style, and are very repetitive too.
Geez, this band kid is still sharing the same unfunny memes by airdrop.
33👍 8👎