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Abby is a very complicated person. She absolutely LOVES candles and lighting them. She always has people that want to talk to her. Her parents are very chill about people and party’s. And she hates birds that poop on her dock. She does live on a lake so that doesn’t help. She has a rat that is a pet/sister. Abby has friends that have a few problems but that’s ok.

Person 1: Holy crap look that store full of candles!
Person 2: The owner must be an Abby.

by Auch August 3, 2021


If your name is Abby you get mad if someone flirts with your boyfriend but then flirt with their boyfriend

“Abby” Flirting with someone’s boyfriend”
They get mad
They flirt with her boyfriend she gets mad

by Jdiskenr May 5, 2022


Abby is a pretty girl with brunette or blonde hair, and generally has blue or green eyes. She' stunning but she doesn't believe it. She will often be straight, but you may find one who is a homosexual.
She believes herself to be annoying and she's very insecure, but she's fun to be around! She likes watching anime and hanging out with friends. She may have a huge family secret that only a few people know about.

Aka: Look at that girl, she's stunning!
Shiro: That's Abby. I heard she's majorly annoying and has a huge family secret.

by i.am.here.abby May 9, 2019


A VERY beautiful girl who I would sacrifice anything to be with. She makes me smile and I love her very much some you is very valuable to me and I don't ever want to loose her

I love you Abby

by Some guy who likes a Abby June 24, 2022


Very sweet and kind hearted. She is very caring and will do anything to make you feel better. But if you make her feel any less of herself, she will make sure you regret it. Don't lose an Abby.

Girl: There is that girl, Abby, she is so nice.
Girl 2: Yeah she is. Did you hear about her and Gabby?
Girl: Yeah she got revenge for makin her feel bad about herself.



a fake rich boy who eats too much and should learn how to stop snaking people's boyfriends

chloe: abby that's my boyfriend
abby: piss off beach he's mine

by therealcooch_ July 21, 2019


She usually has long brown hair but can have different color hair. She always try’s to fit in but it never works out. She try’s so hard for people to like he especially boys. She has her up and down days but no matter what will still be there for you. She always thinks she’s fat and ugly but every so often she has her good days. Her friends mean everything to her. An Abby always says sorry for little things even if she dosent need to. She feels bad if she says something that can hurt someone else. She is very shy and talkative. If she thinks she’s talking to much she will say sorry and stop. When someone doesn’t listen to her after he trying to talk to them about 3 times she just gives up. They make excellent girlfriends you just need to show them your there for them and get through that shy stage. If you meet and Abby always cherish them and never let them go.

Person 1: omg look at how pretty she is but she seems really shy.

Person 2: that’s probably Abby just go talk to her she’s very nice but just shy.

by a girl who’s info is true February 11, 2019