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If the root Gooch is the feminine version of taint then if ones logic were to be tainted. Or let's say a man were to be pussy whipped, where his logic were to be tainted by a ferocious lioness of a gal then one could say he hath been GOOCHED.

Brain- "Man that girl Veronica, really got our boy Max pussy whipped over here. Like his reality is tainted by this chick."

Thomas - " yea my dudes really GOOCHED over there"

by Mothbby226 May 21, 2024

Gooch Dribble

The sweat from the ball sack

Go Lick Gooch Dribble

by The Banter Lad January 5, 2017

Gooch Poof

When a male farts and the air gets caught between his dick and gooch

Oh shit! Did you just gooch poof?!

by Reneerenee11 April 2, 2019

Gooch scooch

The thing that dogs do

Dave had an itch so he gooch scooched to the bedroom

by Thatskaterkid August 3, 2022

Gooch Scooch

The act of two men rubbing taints.

My boy Alex and I had a good gooch scooch the other night.

by GoochGuy December 19, 2019

gooch wonder

often referred to as the "wonder gooch"

a move made while trying to gooch attack a friend where they are sitting down and you pick up their legs to make their gooch vulnerable and gooch them

I thought my gooch was safe cuz i was sitting on a chair but Andrew picked up my legs into the air and got me on the gooch wonder

by Pickles Pickles August 8, 2011

gooch astronaut

A move when making an attack on another's gooch (see gooch attack) when you pick the victim up with one arm and gooch them with the other while they are in the air

You can have two or more attacks to have one pick up the victim and the other gooch attack

dude I was laying on the couch when Andrew picked me up and Nick gooched the hell out of me, i got gooch astronauted hard

i gooch astronauted your sister

by Pickles Pickles August 8, 2011