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Gooch King

A gooch king is a person that loves the gooch and thrives for the gooch

Kb is a gooch king and a munting demon”

by LeGooch syndrome May 6, 2024

Gooch Globbler

When you are the opposite gender of the female and your ass starts to sink up and you somehow get the urge to eat all the "Gooch" in your ass.

Yesterday I pulled a "Gooch Globbler" at your moms house

by Walter bic November 18, 2020

gooch hammer

A weird or odd person, also meaning a dumbass person or stupid idiot

Hey, have you seen the one guy who sweats a lot ??

Yes, I saw that gooch hammer in room 221!

by Goochhammer101 February 22, 2022

Gooch clapping

The act of clapping one’s gooch.
When’s somethings so satisfying that clapping your own hands isn’t enough.

Bob: “Oh my god that was so exciting!”

*claps gooch*

When someone shows you their yitties.
(Gooch clapping)

by Boob the gooch clapper January 22, 2022

Gooch fur

Refers to the normally hairy region between your balls and asshole

My buddy said that he needed to shave totally bald for this lady he was dating, gooch fur and everything.

by Trout wrangler March 7, 2021