„pan“ is a slang word that used to say „pussy ass nigga”
in person, you don’t say , but in text ,you write „pan” when somebody say shit and do less, when they just being a pussy type shit
pan is a discord friend that ik and can be nicknamed as many different things ; pancake, pansexual and panel are some of them.
hey look its pan! i mean pansexual!!
fuckin joe won’t answer the phone, idk if we can roll. it’s cus he’s a PAN
fuckin joe won’t answer the phone, idk if we can roll. it’s cus he’s a PAN
Pan is short for pansexual, meaning you are attracted to a dish commonly used to fry eggs, sausage, and pancakes/j
Gets a pan out to cook pancakes
My pan friend pulling his cock out
“Omg, moss put your cock away, this is the smallest pan I own.”
The abbreviation for “Pussy ass nigga”
Commonly used by those on twitter and instagram
“Lets go beat the shit outta that pan”