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Adj: a sexuality promiscuous, but still morally decent in public, classy in the streets, sassy in the sheets teenage girl

If ain't-no-saint can characterize your girlfriend, you are so lucky.

by Sexydimma February 5, 2015

Saint Leviticus

A gay/queer individual who expresses conservative beliefs and/or regularly espouses support to political leaders who legislate policies in disfavor of the LBGTQ+ community.

Why we got a Saint Leviticus here, they’re voting some dumbass wanting to send us back to the 1950s

by ChildhoodRuiner February 29, 2024

The Saint Who Fell

Once on a time, as poets sing
High tales with fancy laden,
Born of a very noble king
There lived a wondrous maiden.
An only child, her kinsfolk boon,
So fair, imagination faints;
As though amidst the stars the moon,
Or Mary amidst the saints.
From 'neath the castle's dark retreat,
Her silent way she wended
Each evening to the window-seat
Where Lucifer attended.
And secretly, with never fail,
She watched his double race,
Where vessels drew their pathless trail
Across the ocean's face.
And as intent she drank his light,
Desire was quickly there;
While he who saw her every night
Soon fell in love with her.
And sitting thus with rested head,
Her elbows on the sill,
Her heart by youthful fancy led
Did with deep longing fill.
While he, a brilliant shining spark,
Glowed always yet more clear
Towards the castle tall and dark
Where she would soon appear.

Until one night with shower of rays
He slips into her room,
As though a strange and silver haze
Did round about her loom.
And when at last the child to rest
Upon her sofa lies,
He lays her arms across her breast
And closes her soft eyes.
While where his ray on mirror lands
And is upon her couch red rifted,
It falls upon her throat and hands
And on her face uplifted.
A smile is on her lips it seems;
He in the mirror trembles,
For smooth his ray glides midst her dreams
And round her soul assembles.
And while she is in slumber gone
She murmurs through her sighs:
Never mind!


The Saint Who Fell

by VIS84 May 29, 2021

Saint Marks School

A private school in Southborough, MA.
Known for Hockey, Juuls and it’s hate for Groton.
Occasionally something will happen there, but people will forget about it 2 weeks later.

Kid 1: You know that School in Southborough?
Kid 2: Saint Marks?
Kid 1: That’s the one!
Kid 2: What about it?
Kid 1: Some kid cut down a tree during exam week and wasn’t asked back.
Kid 2: Dope!
Kid 1: Yussurie, that’s Saint Marks School for ya.

by | (• ◡•)| (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ) October 25, 2017

saint niggolas

Saint Niggolas is Troy from zaza in his Christmas phase

saint niggolas wants you to stfu while he drinks his lean or hes gona tickle you

by The_Goofy_Nigga_Troy_lol December 11, 2023

Saint Mary’s Springs

A catholic high school in fond du lac full of snobby rich kids who plays in low divisions and recruits kids from west bend and Milwaukee so they can say their sports teams are good when they’re no better than campbellsport or mayville. Any parent with a brain who cares about their child will rather have them go to campbellsport and become a hick rather than send their kid to springs.

Person1: “Did you actually send your child to Saint Mary’s Springs?”
Person2: “Yes.”
Person1: “Wow you must really hate your kid.”

by Jtizzey23 November 22, 2021

Big Saint Nick

The chubby red suited man who leaves presents under the Christmas Tree

Kid: I wonder what Big Saint Nick left under the tree!

by SniperShots1 December 24, 2019