Someone who received the COVID vaccine. (walking dead man)
Get your COVID vax and become a walker.
A girl who is in love with Tyson. She is annoying and she is stupid. She also
Is mean to me and you. She does not know what to do ever.
Walker is mean
Walker is probably the most drop dead ADORABLE guy you'll ever meet. He's sense of humor is just GREAT and he's the best person you'll ever meet. He's someone you can talk to when you're feeling down. Someone that just looks so attractive no matter what. He's probably the best, kindest person you'll ever know. Despite his personality with his friends he actually really cares about them and would take a bullet for them. If you meet a Walker hold on to them for dear life and don't let go. And if his birthday is in Jan you'll never forget them.
I love Walker
Walker made me feel in such a good mood
I hate people that don't like Walker
Walker is a person with a very small shlong. He will NEVER be first place at anything. Pierson or Alex are always first place because they are GOATS and not Walker. He is almost 6 foot and could beat up anyone at our school, his 3 millimeter defeater speaks for him
First Person: Isn't that Walker?
Second Person: Yes, he has a small shlong so leave him be.
An Australien bum probulary asking for cigs.
Walker " Oy, gimme ur f***ken cigs mate!"
A super nice, beautiful girl who can always make you laugh. You can talk to her about anything and you won't feel stupid. She will always be there for you when you are down and make everything seem better. She is no doubt the bestest friend you could ever have. Without a Walker, your life may feel incomplete.
Walker is so funny!