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roger wayne humphreys

Dead beat dad that lives in Brunswick, Georgia. Drunkard, fat and sellout to children.

Likes to kiss his bosses nuts. Married to fat spic with tacky hair.

Roger Wayne Humphreys is a loser and eats too much. A heart attack ready to happen.

by The Word1 November 9, 2017

Ms. wayne

The principal of a rich kid school :/
No you cant sign up for accel math you stupid bitch.

Guy 1: Whos Ms. wayne?
Guy 2: Idk lol

by Peace control tyler February 24, 2022

Ft. Wayne Fucktard

1) A person that believes that leaving they're children in Walmart while they go meet their Meth dealer and exchange sex for bunk drugs is an acceptable form of childcare.

2) A person who believes they are high society and better than you because they passed their GED test on just the second try.

1) This girl in the paper is such a Ft. Wayne Fucktard.

2) Did you hear how our waitress talked to me?! What a Ft. Wayne Fucktard!

by Dusty Dillinger October 1, 2023

Jairo Wayne

He is someone that radiates energy that can make people happy.

He is also pathogenic in nature that infects peole with his smile.

He secretes toxins that can make people die with his charms.

He is a parasite.

Jairo Wayne, a parasitic organism called Ascaris lumbricoides.

by elevatedserotonin November 24, 2021