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Dream youtuber

"A youtuber that has a nice dumpy ๐Ÿ˜ณ" - BadBoyHalo


Dream youtuber has smexxy dumpy ๐Ÿ˜ณโžก๐Ÿคฐ

by LegendaryEv May 17, 2021

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YouTube syndrome

The feeling of wanting to fast forward like in a you tube video but can not. Leading to bordom and feeling like you want to stop what you are doing. This happens most in live streams, watching friends do thing, playing board games, and other long uneventful activities.

I was watching foot ball and nothing was happening that's when YouTube syndrome kicked in.

by ArgonZoran March 5, 2017

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Roblox youtuber

A shitty variant of a youtuber who only play roblox. All the roblox youtubers are either young kids or cancerous ppl like flamingo, denisdaily etc. Most of these youtubers have toxic fans that will literally threaten to kill you or call you names if you insult their beloved youtuber (the worst case of these fans are flamingo fans). Prolonged exposure to these youtubers may cause your brain to melt (unless you are a retarded 9 to 13 year old loser who have nothing better to watch) so be warned.

Flamingo is the most toxic roblox youtuber

by Coivou June 16, 2019

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Mental YouTube

The mental image you replay in your mind and laugh hystercally. The equvilant to the videos you store in your You Tube favorites account.

Emily wetting her pants on the bus is my favorite mental YouTube

by Gari Loo January 2, 2008

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Youtube Kid

A kid that is in love with youtube. They make videos once a week and wear their favorite youtube top every single day. Also they have youtube socks.

Nerimon is a youtube kid because he makes videos and has youtube attire.

by Breakfastathaleys October 20, 2008

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minecraft youtuber

A pathetic low life that is trying to earn bank on youtube also while tryna keep his channel lowkey to his irl friends so he doesn't get bullied for life. Also the evolved version of a mc youtuber is a comentary channel.

A minecraft youtuber is a youtuber yeah lol

by kryptmc March 20, 2017

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Youtube Suicide

It means making a fool out of yourself or doing something terrible on the internet on your own intensions so that people will hate you forever.

Posting a video of you cursing at everyone (including the viewer) while showing you're face. Or in simple words, you want to be hated forever? well you post a video of yourself cursing at everyone or picking a fight whit a random stranger & then showing your face while you saiying you feel accomplished, while everyone will remember your face & will hate you forever. That is an example of " Youtube Suicide ".

by 00001234 November 5, 2012

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