Term of endearment , a nickname for one you endear.
You're my bunder bu you make me happy
Indirect translation from Japanese for Rejoice-In, Happy ever after, Happy ending.
What ever decision you will make, in the end i will be Ki Bu
A word to describe a nose that is flared out at the end. Most commonly seen in African-American people. Otherwise known as "shotgun nose".
The term is most commonly used when politely telling someone to…. Drop dead.
Because we ALL know someone needs to hear it sometimes.
“You’re disgusting if you are part of or support the lgbtq community!”
“Okay Sister Cindy. I sincerely hope you kiss a bus.”
A school bus driver that will drive his route effectively & efficiently so much so, that if he is early to his next stop, he will slowly "stalk" his prey, until he's on-time, "for his next kill!!!"
"Hurry up! (your student's name) ! You know how that "BUS SHARK" never misses his/her prey!"
in GTA4 when online you have two players hijack some buses and ram each other full speed in a head on collision only one shall survive
player 1:hey lets go bus jousting
player 2: ok
player 1: suck it bitch
player 2: the sound of respawning