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The most sexy girl in school, has a nice peice of asss and nice jugs very quite when it comes to the boy she likes caring sweet intelligent girl she will be there when your sad whatever you do don't leave her cause once she's gone she won't come back she is the best kisser and her smile is to drop dead for she loves animals and she's a totall badass don't get me wrong

Dude 1: guess what I'm going to ask out Sarah today

Dude 2: you can't!!
Dude 1: why not

Dude 2: cause I am

Dude 1: fight me

by Ilyttdida November 17, 2016

2๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sarah is always stealing yo mans. She tries(and fails) to hide it behind a sweet personality but she is really a backstabbing bitch.

That bitch Sarah just kissed my boyfriend!!!

by Teaspillingsister October 16, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mad as fuck loony toon especially when teamed with Rachel or ashleigh! Normally found dancing on tables at posh doos

'get off that table!'. 'no way i'm doing a Sarah.!'

by tubes3000yfc January 20, 2012

5๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


An absolute cow.Might talk behind your back to your besties. Like literally behind your back.

That girl is talking about me what a Sarah!

by MermaidHairDontCare February 23, 2017

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Sarah, she looks sweet and innocent, but it's an act. Once you let her in, she will do her best to destroy both your mental health, and your reputation. She plays it up in front of adults so that they believe her lies. She has an obsession with lying and stealing. She is one of the most toxic people you will meet, even if she's pretty.

"Who's that?"

"That's Sarah, be careful, she looks sweet, but is really toxic."
"Nah, you're joking, I'm gonna go try to be friends with her, someone that cute can't be bad"
*2 days later*
"I was right! She's super nice! I feel like I can trust her with anything!"
"Don't say I didn't warn you..."
*1 year later*
"Sarah's been leeching off me and spreading rumors about me this whole time!!!
My reputation is ruined! My grades are in a downward spiral because of all he drama I'm in! I'm loosing people close to me to her!!!"
"Told you so."

by applesauce2005 October 23, 2019

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smart, loyal, better than everyone else around. She is the best person you will ever meet! Has friends named Emilee Leticia, and many many more

"wow! Sarah has so many friends! she is the best!"

by My name is hello December 6, 2017

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a hoe

sarah pabin is a hoe

by muebleshuevos October 27, 2018

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