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Alaskan Freeze Burn

When you use Icey-Hot as lube while having buttsecks :D

Guy 1: Dude where were you last night? You never got on Halo: Reach.

Guy 2: I was at your mom's house, giving her an Alaskan Freeze Burn, oh yeah!

Guy 1: Oh...cool, how much Icey-Hot did you use?

Guy 2: I was out, I had to use Bengay.

Guy 1: You bastard! I'll kill you!

by Vergataso August 3, 2011

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Alaskan Crab Cake

A delicious meal made by your Alaskan grandmother that you enjoy each time you visit her.

What did you expect, you nasty motherfucker?

My Grandma made delicious Alaskan Crab Cakes for us when we visited her last March.

by CuriousSnail April 17, 2016

10πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

alaskan eskimo pie

When engaged in intercourse the guy gives a cream pie to the girl, leaves it there, eats a very strong peice of mint gum and then blows into the girls vagina. the reason for the gum is so that the guy doesnt taste his own cum

That alaskan eskimo pie felt so good and creamy.

by Mackinze July 26, 2006

84πŸ‘ 208πŸ‘Ž

Alaskan Bull Worm

When you shit in a girls mouth and tuck tape it shut, shove a Popsicle in her anus until the shit comes out of her nose in the shape of a bull ring

Alaskan Bull Worm ;strange anal sex

by Gandolf the black December 1, 2013

118πŸ‘ 304πŸ‘Ž

Alaskan Road Trip

When two guys in the same car get road head at the same time, normally by two girls in the same car.

Yo man did you hear that Drew and Jake went on an Alaskan Road Trip with Samantha and Darrien?

by Carlos Weinerton January 19, 2015

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Alaskan Sex Kitten

Participants must not β€œlandscape” before the event to get the full experience and must occur during the full moon after a fresh snow fall.
1. Attire must consist of your homeliest jacket
2. While wearing the jacket enter the hot with your partner(s).
3. Turn on the highest jets in the hot tub and channel your primal essence.
4. Remove yourself from the hot tub and slowly enter the snow while revealing your natural human form to your mate.
5. Proceed to find the first (not domesticated) animal and sacrifice in the name of the natural world.
6. Lather your partner’s body in the blood of the sacrifice in correlation with the rotation of the earth.
7. While purring like a mountain lion mount your partner in a primitive fashion and begin forcefully scratching down the back.
8. The tempo should continue to increase with each thrust until climax is reached.
9. Carry your partner back to the hot tub and begin ritually bathing each other until the blood of the sacrifice is no more.
10. Now exchange coats with partner and, hand in hand, walk towards the moon while thanking the cosmos for the enlightening experience.

β€œAfter performing the Alaskan sex kitten I felt one with nature.”

by Princess Runnin Fast Goin Slow October 7, 2013

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

alaskan blood brothers

two guys that have fucedk the same girl

dad: bro me and danny are alaskan blood brothers now

by Penguy1738 November 29, 2016

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž