is to be known as someones bitch (in a male to male relationship)
little johnny became his cell mates arse puppet when he was in lock up
British slang for a person who enjoys anal sex
bob: i would not want to be in front of tim hes an arse popper
tim: i just love anal sex!
When you are feeling a little kinky so you pull up to that bumper and you jam that Vape into her nether regions, press the button, and watch that coochie blow a smoke stack. #assstack #thelittlearsethatcould #vape
Britney: "Let's try something new babe"
Chad: "Alright, prepare your anus for the smokin' arses"
A term used to describe someone with a slightly big buttocks, but no defining shape. commonly found on overweight men.
Dam Micky mac , you have some cake arse, you need to hit the gym.
A bri'ish swear word. Because ass is too weird for them I don't know. It is directed to a person who likes arse.
Person 1 : " Can I get a bo'oh'wo'ah?"
Person 2 (hot sexy lady) : "Yeah of course." *turns around."
Person 1: *Checks her ass out. I mean arse. yeah yeah that for sure*
Person 3 : "You checking out her arse innit? Ya arse-weasel! hargh hargh hargh".
"arse rights" refers to any incident where a person lays claim to a particular seat or space for sitting by calling arse rights. It is similar to calling "dibs" on a seat.
"That bean bag is looking very appealing to me right now. I better call arse rights before somebody else parks their arse on it."
As contained in the declaration of independence: "Everybody has intrinsic arse rights. That is, the right to claim a space for the purpose of sitting"
Caoimhe: "Is there anybody sitting here?"
Hugh: "Eh, no"
Caoimhe: "Ah sweet I call arse rights so. This seat is now mine."
A condition that a person develops through prolonged periods of sitting on hard or uncomfortable surfaces.
"This wooden bench is giving me bone-arse"