After poolside intercourse, when the female lies on her back in the water and her partner jumps into the pool while masturbating in an attempt to hit her pubic hair as with projectile semen
A couple was found drowned in their pool last night. Forensics indicates they were engaged in carpet bombing when the accident occurred.
Sending a cut-and-paste generic come-on to dozens (or hundreds) of members of the opposite sex on a dating website in the hopes that at least one will write back.
'I think you're pretty. Message back if interested'? That's what he wrote? Classic sign that he's carpet bombing! He probably sent that message to fifty girls in the last hour!
Dude, so last night I hooked up with Carla and it was total carpet bombing.
When you pull out and blow your load on her landing strip.
Carpet Bombing: Hey Carl, later tonight you wanna carpet bomb me.
Little pieces of dirt left in your carpet from animals. Usually know to happen if you have flees. Flee Dirt, Dust mites, Dirt, etc.
(Shane is laying on the floor)
Bob: Dude, I think i just got some fucking Carpet Turds in my ass crack!
Henry: Carpet Turds?
Bob: Yeah man, Carpet Turds!
a buzz cut that's shorter than 1 inch
Ed: Why did you say that Andy has carpet hair?
Kelly: His hair looks like a piece of thread-bare wall to wall carpeting that was cut out and glued to his head.
The layer of thick miscellaneous dust and debris located in warehouses that create a soft surface.
I'm glad this farmers carpet makes it soft to work on my knees.