It is the condom women wear when they do not want to get pregnant. Similar to a male condom.
It is also something a male wear when they perform anal and do not want a frosted asshole.
Ex 1.
Girl: Baby please I'm tired...
Guy: Put that canyon condom back on, I'm going in.
Ex 2.
Guy 1: Are you ready yet? ;)
Guy 2: Not without a canyon condom on.
Memeified version of "condemn Hamas" - origination of this meme may be attributed to Twitch streamer Hasanabi and his chat. So many chatters kept on condemning Hamas that after saying it and hearing it so many times, it slowly devolved into condom hummus.
Hasan: Chatter, I am and have always condemned Hamas!
Random chatter: CONDOM HUMMUS KEKW hasL
A Brazilian War Condom is achieved by farting into a condom and eating the condom. This will in turn be defecated out, therefore shitting a fart and producing a Brazilian War Condom.
Aw man, i'm feeling real constipated right now. I might have a Brazilian War Condom to clear me right up.
Using a sheet of sand paper as a condom.
I ran out of rubbers but my tool box was right there, so I used a Kokomo condom.
The art of placing your smart phone in a sealable plastic bag to use your phone around water.
I am using a phone condom while I take a shower so we can keep texting.
The most unreliable contraceptive known to the human race. I mean, what the fuck. Also, some men don't like wearing them because 'it doesn't feel as good'. It shouldn't just be up to the woman to stop pregnancies.
Man: Hey, d'you wanna have sex?
Woman: Ok, but make sure to wear a condom.
Man: Nooooo. It doesn't feel good.
Woman: Shut the fuck up and wear a condom you big baby.
a term often called a rubber sock
i made him put the condom on before doing it