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Easy peasy squeezy lemons

Another way of saying "easy peasy lemon squeezy."

That was easy peasy squeezy lemons

by solomon-price123 August 18, 2024


easi is a chinese food delivery app from melbourne.

Lyric: easi makes life easier make shop busy.

by 魔法少女达达 March 24, 2022

easy crackup

When someone cracks up to everything and anything.

"Dude Samantha laughs at all my jokes and just gets my humor. I really like her and she's smoking hot. I think she wants the d."
"Dude she laughs at everything. She is just an easy crackup"

by J4forlyfe March 2, 2014

Easy cum easy go

Someone with premature ejaculation problem. He cums and goes well.

"Be careful, he's an easy cum easy go. He's doing 'cum speedrun' any%"

by CPU65028080CPU January 1, 2023

easy ramas

Maddie & Hollie’s way of saying no worries/fuck yeah

Maddie -We going jakes tonight?

Hollie - Yeah can we get drinks first

Both - easy ramas 🤙

by sn0w3unny December 2, 2021

Easy Breezy

Easy Breezy is a group chat of friends that run an (un)officially trademarked and copyrighted team licensed by @lcifeur, aka Jersey, on Instagram.
Commonly known for its Funny Moments, found on account @easybreezyfm on Instagram.
The original group chats used for Easy Breezy have been deleted at least 2 times now.

"Jersey deleted the original Easy Breezy GC again."
"Oh no, not again!"

"I can't wait to see what new Funny Moment©™ there are today!"

by d0r1t00 May 3, 2021

easy fix

One broken bolt away from a 3 day ordeal

A leaking exhaust? Oh, that's an easy fix

by SesamstraatHooligan July 11, 2021