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Melon Eater

Is a female who is a fat slag that thinks she's it and litterally looks like shes ate a melon(mainly found in colleges or schools and typical chav towns )
they have orange faces,which are usually plastered in different kinds of make-up and wear innapropriate clothing for them eg: leggings,g-strings and non fitting t shirts which show all fat in all areas
Do not approach one,if you ever see one

Melon Eater eg:Chavette,Fat Slag,Local bicycle

by master deepeazy August 10, 2010

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A vegetarian. Can be hippies.

Bob does not like meat! What a weed-eater!

by Jaque April 5, 2004

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cake eater

a 1920's word used by college or college bound students to decribe a lower class young urban person.

There was a lot of cake eaters at the dance. They were generally better dancers than the collegiates.

by Bill March 9, 2005

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grass eater

a slur typically used against native americans because colonizers thought that they only ate plants and used it as an insult

get out of here grass eater, weโ€™re taking your land

by Mayella Neighze May 27, 2019

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Dick Eater

a.) A delusional person who thinks their investment choices MUST succeed because of past performance. They are so sure in their blind hope that they're willing to swear they'll eat their dick if they're wrong.
b.) Idiot

John McAfee was so sure of his idiot plan he swore to eat his dick over it. Dick eater goes Nom nom nom, nom nom.

by Daniel Long November 25, 2018

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Ball eater

Ball eater: Something that is really hard to do and usually results in failure or multiple falures

That test was a ball eater. That hydrolysis reaction ate my balls. Repairing that engine ate my balls.

by Steve Resaca July 4, 2010

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Pill Eater

Somebody who takes ecstasy regulary

Stu: 'Shay mate do you wanna get pilled up tonight?'
Shay: 'Your such a fucking pill eater Stu, wanna go pick up now?'

by W-pk August 2, 2008

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