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sexual way: pretending to give someone pleasure for them to orgasm but you don’t

non sexual way: teasing; pretending to do something but you don’t

sexual way: i’m edging my gf

non sexual way: i was edging my dog by hanging a treat over her head

by boiwhatthehellboi22 March 13, 2022

straight edge revenge

STRAIGHT EDGE REVENGE!!! everytime your alcoholic friends get a pack of beer, the straight edge kid gets a token beer to smash. cleaning up the world one beer at a time. dont froget to pick the can up!

peter: hey we got a 30 rack of coors
ty (straight edge): gimme my token beer *throws* STRAIGHT EDGE REVENGE

by straightedgeskinhead November 4, 2020

edge user

a human being who likes to gribble children and uses the shittiest browser in human history.

this dumb edge user is making me angry

by avtomat47 babushka October 3, 2023


a sexual act were u and your friend both have sexual contact with someone else at the same time,ie-spitroast,threesome.

hey jim how did you and baz get on the other night with that girl?
jim- good mate was good ended up double-edging!

by kintymaddog August 12, 2009

River Edge NJ

middle class town in bergen county. Some own the hideous mcmansions who think that theyre alpine material because they drive a BMW 3 series base model with their home depot chandeliers in the big window above the front door. Some families are extremely wealthy, but you would never know. there are alot of "fake" rich people there who drive maybe a c class mercedes, and drive it like its an s class. Or a 3 series BMW and drive it like its an m6. I know a family who's parents are a lawyer, and a neurosurgeon, AND they both own companies. Yet they have an acura and a mercedes. You never know what you'll find in river edge. Highlights include CVS, RED (River Edge Diner), Habit Burger, Dunkin donuts (2), and a bunch of parks. River edge has 2 elementary schools, a middle school, and shares a highschool with its neighboring town; Oradell.

"did you hear about River Edge NJ?"
"never heard of it"
"ill show you"
"there are alot of mcmansions here"

by swissroll123 July 23, 2017

Election Edging

Drawing out naming the winner of an election as long as possible. Especially in Nevada.

The United States been election edging since November 4th!

by Kapt'n and Kitty November 7, 2020

i edge to skibidi toilet

truer words have never been spoken

i edge to skibidi toilet

by AntichamberYellow March 6, 2024