A poor person in a movie about rich people who only exists to teach the wealth-scarred protagonist(s) how to feel or act like humans
“Sam has such a loving family and he’s got his act together. It’s almost like he’s the rich guy instead of Derrick”
“Sam’s family showed up once on screen, and he has no problems or personality of his own. He’s just an emotional support poor.”
The act of burning someone in a severely harsh way effectively body slamming their psyche.
Guy 1: "Your mom."
Guy 2: "No, sir your mom and your dead grandfather too."
Guy 2 runs off crying
Guy 3: "Total emotional suplex, dude."
The effort journalists and tv hosts make to get the people they interview to cry on camera. The emotional response gets media attention and drives ratings. emotion, crying, drama, if it bleeds it leads, media, journalism, soap opera, bating, interview
I get so sick of these tv hosts trying to get natural disaster victims to cry about the loss of their homes. It's so opportunistic and disgusting, this probing emotions crap is just wrong-this is what journalism has become.
Emotional awareness is just a orgy
who's down for an emotional awareness
intransitive verb : to give expression to emotion especially in chating. An "emote" is tool used in a chat forum that is a way of expressing a feeling or an action in text form. You start an emote by typing "/me" (without the quotation marks) in local chat or instant messaging forum. The host allows you to use a colon instead of ‘/me’, which is a technical way of saving your keystrokes. The colon that normally appears after your name in a chat doesn’t appear in the chat and is therefore describing your action, rather than showing the typed words that normally show that you are "speaking". It will present your feelings or actions in the third person.
Let's say you just told me a funny joke. I could type "hahahaha!", in which case an emote (i-ˈmōt ) in the chat window will look like this:
Username: hahahahaha!
Or, I could type the emote, "/me laughs!", in which case the chat window looks like this:
Username laughs!
Emotes can be fairly lengthy.
Example; We are at the beach and decide to go swimming.
Username strips of her top and pants, revealing all skin, and runs laughing into the ocean.
When you purposely make yourself cry for 20-30 mins and then move on with your day like nothing happened, feeling refreshed. The depressed and the normal both undergo this phenomenon, as it is a good way of hiding your emotions, and everybody knows that everything is fake out there nowadays.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm okay, I just really need an emotional cleanse"
"oh yeah, me too. I usually do it every night before I go to sleep"
"that sounds really unhealthy"
"Fuck I forgot you're a doctor, why are all my friends doctors"
A person who uses the emotions or feelings against them to get what they want.