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Fail Boat

A common reference to the boat "The Titanic."
basically, the word means any floating object that was clearly poorly designed, causing it to fail.

"Here is your fail shipment: One Fail Boat."
"Oh, you mean the one made out of lead?"

by Mr Awesomesauce March 9, 2010

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epic fail

Cheering for the underog in a sporting event and actually thinking they'd win.

Raiders fan: Dude the Eagles blew that game against the Cardinals on Sunday!
Eagles fan: Hey at least my team made it to the championship game!

Epic fail to both fans.

by CozNY January 19, 2009

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Whale Fail

when someone says something that is just so "mind numbingly vile and reprehensible yet stupifyingly unfunny and embarresing" they get something even worse than a "Facepalm" they get a Whale Fail


Boy: Why do Negro people smell like gorilla feces?

Boy 2: You sir deserve a Whale Fail

by delusion72 July 8, 2010

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Epic Fail

Something that failed so criminally, that it is considered tragic and inescapably humiliating to the fail-er. Good for a laugh, though, and often times enjoyment is found out of making fun of it.

The literature that was the fourth book in the "Twilight" Saga - "Breaking Dawn". The epic fail of Breaking Dawn succesfully caused pandemonium of the highest caliber to befall the entirety of the Twilight fandom.

by Fiyera October 20, 2008

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epic fail

A term made famous by a Jew with more nicknames than ever thought of. It is usually put to use when describing someone/something that just can't do anything but lose/error/suck/etc.

Guy # 1: I just took your Bishop!
Guy # 2: Dude that was my Knight! You are Epic fail!!!

by THE Rainbow Tree January 19, 2009

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Epic Fail

When an internet based prank fails to have the desired impact.

ADAM: Hahaha! I sabotaged your YouTube profile and made you out to be a shemale to the whole internet!

PETER: I don't use my YouTube account. Epic fail dude.

by Pablo 420 May 9, 2008

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Epic fail

The big shit of all fails.

Dude, I epic failed that test in Hennessy's class!

by God dammit Lexi is taken. August 9, 2008

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