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Green Fever

A sacred, annual event at Ohio University to gain excitement for a men's basketball game. It allows students to overcome the stereotype that "it aint easy bein' green."

Kermit the frog once said, "It aint easy bein' green." Obviously he never attended Green Fever with the Ohio O-Zone!

by Bobcat Nation February 5, 2013

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little fever

A asian female, usually aged 18-24years old. Usually used to describe an easily excitable attractive asian girl. Colloquial language of Australia.

"oooh, look at that little fever". In reference to a drunk asian girl dancing about in a club with speed racer.

or in examation "I LOVE THE LITTLE FEVERS!", as a bunch of giggling asian girls go walking by at bubble.

by flappers October 20, 2007

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Baby Fever

When a man or woman instantly gets the desire to creampie or be creampied with their significant other.

Jess: Man, seeing all these bang pics are giving me baby fever.

Tara: Jess, you slut, just come out and say it, you want to be creampied.

by BigBoi1997 January 21, 2021

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flangular fever

Term for when a woman has her period.

The poor girl is suffering from flangular fever!

by John Davey December 9, 2003

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Bieber Fever

A disease in which one is obsessed with the pop sensation Justin Bieber. Currently a cure is being developed, and will be widespread once the pop star hits puberty.

YES! OMG! I think I'm infected with Bieber Fever!

*Justin Bieber Hits Puberty/Cure is released*

by Dumbledoor116333 March 2, 2011

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jungle fever

when a white women is attracted to black men

ali has jungle fever she likes lj, jalen and tristan and all other black boys

by jejdjdjxj December 3, 2017

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orange fever

When a male or female is attracted to oranges.

"Hey have any fruit ?"
"yeah, in my bed. Just fucked it"

"damn bro. You have orange fever."

by Jake Gabe May 11, 2017

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