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I'm game

An phrase expressing one's willingness to participate in a given activity.

Friend: Dude, do you want to go to Denny's?
You: Yeah man, I'm game.

by jeremy April 25, 2004

159πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Eyebrow game

-to have good eyebrows

Maddie's eyebrow game is sooooo strong.

by buffalo engineer May 29, 2014

33πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

game out

The act of exiting from a place or location, to bounce, to leave the scene, to depart.

Example #1 (present tense) -

"You guys better get going now, it's getting late, I dont know if you'll make it in time"
"Yeah, we should. Alright John; let's game out"

Example #2 (past tense)

"Yeah, as soon as the cops were in sight, John gamed out"

by Sean Rutan March 23, 2008

49πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Dead Game

Any Video Game with less than 1,000 players on a consistent bases is considered β€œDead”

However a game that has less than 1,000 players but still receives updates and new content added to the game. it is considered not dead.

β€œMan the original TitanFall is such a Dead Game”

by noodlesarecool September 16, 2018

184πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

hardcore game

Any game in which successful completion or demonstration of skill requires a significant investment of both time and effort on the part of the player.

"Damn, this hardcore game is hardcore!"

by Pixel-One July 6, 2008

45πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

end game

The ultimate goal.

You are my end game. You are the person I envision as my end-all, be-all friend and lover. My ultimate challenge and reward. The end result.

by StinkyDiver October 18, 2019

war game

A security challenge for hackers to train and educate themselves. Usually it is exploiting or defending a vulnerability in a system or application, or gaining or preventing access to a computer system...

"Look bro, you need to pat $50 to get into this war game, but if you manage to crack that db before everyone, $1000 will be yours..."

by Neizen September 4, 2015