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From Hell

A phrase taken from the last of the three letters sent to Scotland Yard police from the infamous serial killer "Jack the Ripper." It is especially famous for its gruesome contents: a letter to the police chief and half of a kidney of one of his victims (the letter claims he ate the other half).

The text of the letter reads:

From hell.

Mr Lusk,
I send you half the Kidne I took from one women prasarved it for you tother piece I fried and ate it was very nise. I may send you the bloody knif that took it out if you only wate a whil longer

Catch me when you can Mishter Lusk

by dele3344 February 24, 2007

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Raising hell

Usually occurring on a Friday night after a long work week, this term refers to driving around with your friends doing absolutely nothing because you aren't old enough to get into bars and there's nothing better to do 'round these parts. This activity is most common among teens from rural communities and small towns who mislabel it as "raising hell" to make their lives sound less dull and more badass. Though "raising hell" is often more boring than badass, it is sometimes known to include SERIOUS badass activities, such as loitering, underage drinking, running red lights, and even swerving a couple feet into a cornfield just to be an asshole!

In the big city, it's called "driving around aimlessly" and it makes you boring. In the country, it's called "raising hell" and it makes you BADASS.

by redeyegrits August 9, 2013

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

servant of hell

is typically an evil wicked grand mother who is emotional and psychologically attached to her man boy child who is any where from the age of 30 to 50 years old and still lives with his parents and hates every body and beguiles his children and is a potential pedophile who when the man boy gets jealous he will steal your stuff do works against you get in your face and then pick up his 3 yrs old daughter and use her as a shield to get you to hit the kid then call the cops on your for everything you do get your thrown in jail then the typical servant of hell will lie to the cops and always stick up an defend her man boy over every body and the whole entire family and ones whole life is dedicated and revolves around servicing the man boy and breast feeding him no matter how long it takes and will lie to their self and not believe any truth as long as it doesn't fit her wants and needs or delusional belief of her pride and joy man boy.

nephew-what is wrong with this family

uncle2-im sorry to tell you this but your grandmother is a servant of hell

nephew-yeah she chooses her pride and joy man boy over the whole family and wont believe that he is a derelict and wont stop breast feeding him and do whats right for the family and kick him out

by warrior of the lord November 28, 2011

Hell Hot

Extremely hot & spicy food as described by Dads

โ€œThe meal your brother cooked for dinner was hell hot, it bothered my stomach all nightโ€

by JC_1984 October 10, 2021

give hell

1. To give someone a hard time
2. to cause a ruckus

Before going out on the floor coach said to me, "I need you for defense, now go out there and give em hell!"

by xstarxseekerx04 March 20, 2004

give hell

To frustrate or cause trouble

'That bitch wasn't gonna go down before she was gonna give hell in a fight'

by xxGoShawty240xx March 19, 2004

hell spice

Nutmeg. Also the act of tripping on nutmeg and nutmeg being used as a narcotic.

"You got the hell spice?"
"Yeah man, we gonna be high for days!"

"Shit man I feel awful."
"I'm fucked up on hell spice"

by Replogler July 13, 2009