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Cross Topic Trolling

To start the same troll in different topics on a message board or Facebook group. (AKA CTT)

This Cross Topic Trolling has taken over the message board!

by Jhingha April 3, 2015

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

cross country geek

Derogatory name given to cross country runners, most of which are actually popular at school.

"If you call me a cross country geek one more time, I'll kick your fricken ass!"

by 123454321 June 13, 2006

42πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

cross town traffic

Not to be confused with the Jimi Hendrix song, cross town traffic, is a deed of love making/ coprophelia/ scat fetish/ poop love in which to lovers/fuckers both drop trough and poop into each others buttholes simultaneously. This act, in its purest form, is physically impossible, however, in theory it can one of the most beautiful acts of love making that ever existed.

HEY! BRO! me and that girl last night was KARAZEE we fucking partook in cross town traffic all night all over the frat house.

SISTA, SISTA, SISTA, I nabbed me some hawt white boy dick last night and we scatted, tossed each others salads and even did this crazy ass white boy thing called cross town traffic. To say the least I was thorougly satisfied.

by ian September 12, 2007

27πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Star-Crossed Lovers

Soulmates who were never meant to last.
A term to describe two people who love each other more then anything but are doomed to never truly be together due to tragic circumstances.
A love doomed from the start…

Romeo and Juliet are the most famous example of star-crossed lovers

by sam153759 January 12, 2022

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knights cross holder

Unit in the game called Company Of Heroes. The knights cross holders are the most hardest unit to kill and when they reach level 4, they are almost invincible. Abv is KCH.

Me, playing as Axis threw my level 4 knights cross holders at three squads of infantry, and came out alive.

by fatfuny November 22, 2007

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

cross country boy

Guys who enjoy wearing booty shorts and running with other guys

Girl: wow he’s cute, think he’s straight

Girl 2: no he is a cross country boy

by Leothetree October 24, 2019

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Cross Country

A sport for kids who are unathletic. They can run fast for a long time (for the most part), and thats about it. In elementary school they were picked last for soccer, football, kickball basketball, etc. because they lack hand eye coordination, and a general mental capacity to anything other than run in a straight line and hop over the occasional rock or two. Humans have evolved to run, they think doing something natural is somehow a sport.

1. I didn't make the cut for any of the sports teams so I do cross country
2. Nah, I didn't wanna take P.E. it's too hard, just join cross country.

by LEAVE ME OR DIE February 12, 2010

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