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Mental Health Day

A quasi-legitimate excuse to take a day off from school or work. Although the person who takes the day off claims he needs it to finish up some work and regain sanity from the rat race, he usually ends up sleeping in, masturbating and accomplishing less than nothing.

J.C. said he took a mental health day to catch up with work and relax, but instead, spent the whole day fantasizing about Jamie.

by Hrach April 17, 2005

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mental hell professional

Flip reference to a psychotherapist who is obviously straight outta the nuthouse.

Seeking help from that mental hell professional allowed me to appreciate my own comparable wellness.

by Dr Bunnygirl February 28, 2019

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

mental breakdance

The retarded way to ridicule someone who actually having a mental breakdown

Using mental breakdance or mental breakbeat to ridicule someone who really in a mental breakdown shows that you lacks empathy and ignorant about mental health

by Sir. B August 28, 2021

6πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Middle Infielder Mentality

Analytical preparedness, gritty determination, assertiveness, effectiveness, mental and
physical toughness with confidence; an innate ability to confidently complete any
assigned task with a positive work ethic.

My most desired characteristic in a new employee is a middle infielder mentality.

by AuburnDoc July 13, 2021

mental slut waffle

A mind controlling waffle that forces you to pour hot butter and syrup all over it while it cums in your mouth.

That mental slut waffle just blew my mind.

by PeanutBitter January 8, 2018

Mental E-tardation

The physical state of the brain following consumption of ecstasy in which attempts at complex neural processes result solely in the self-realization of the tremendous mental toll ecstasy has on your basic evaluative skills.

The day after the rave my friend was suffering from severe Mental E-tardation and tried to put a hot pocket in the blender.

by Derz August 9, 2010

Ballon D’Or Mentality

Elite way of thinking that leads to dominating the opponent.

Adrian: Bro I went on an absolute bender last night and I lost my soul! But I aced the exam the next day!

Gabe: Brooo you have the Ballon D’Or mentality!

by Eatspeedrecords October 10, 2022