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Herrick Middle School

A middle school with very bad teachers who body shame girls, share biased opinions on politics, and personally victimize students.

Example: *girl 1 with small boobs walks by with V-neck*

*girl 2 with big boobs walks by wearing the same shirt*

Teacher: "girl 2, please change your top"

Girl 2: "but girl 1 was wearing the same shirt!"

herrick middle school's policy is modesty.

by Barbara dinkly May 26, 2017

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chancellor middle school

Chancellor middle school is a school in virginia where the good kids and bad kids mix. Theres always some girls getting exposed for being lesbian or having a naked dance party, stoners, gamers, and alot of people who walk home. Chancellor has a tight rule system and kids tend to break it but none of the teachers care except for mr kneecap ๐Ÿ˜‚ dont go to chancellor if you have a choice if u wanna keep your virginity too.

boy; chancellor middle school is wack

by ohfuckingwellthennn May 1, 2019

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brookside Middle School

Fucking hell. Miss Whare ham is elderly skank with saggy ass tits fuck mr Gruhl

I fucking hate BrookSide middle school it can suck my dick

by Teheheheehhehw April 20, 2018

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Glenridge Middle School

A public middle school in orlando. Although an A school, it sux. the administrators have no idea how to control the students. it is incredibly over populated. it has anything from rich preppy people to people who cant afford food. the amount of puerto ricans at this school is insane. at least 80% of the school is stupid. it is hard to decide who to hate more, the ghetto snobs or the snotty preps. it is somewhat of a hellhole but is constantly filled with action and entertainment. with 5 pregnant girls and arrests happening weekly, there is no lack of news at this school. i know it may seem terrible, but for some reason i love it with a burning passion.

(Say in Billy Mays voice) Wanna get some weed? Glenridge Middle School is the place for you!

by glenridge-goer July 16, 2011

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troy middle school

school that reeks of fourteen year old hoes, girls who think theyโ€™re cute, and guys who are absolutely brainless. everyone there hates themselves and never wants to come back the next day. everyoneโ€™s treated like shit and everyone is constantly complaining. god bless ur soul if you donโ€™t have to go there...

troy middle school sux balls.

by this ainโ€™t it chief December 26, 2018

25๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Middle school relationships

When you decide to become close friends with someone and say you are dating at ages 11-13. You hang out awkwardly around their friend circles and if you are a hardcore relationship, you might get a kiss on the check.

"Grayden cheated on me again! He's dating Allie behind my back! Middle school relationships are the worst."

by melaniestar April 28, 2016

39๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Manor middle school

School where people finna think popularity comes first . They act like they like u but theyโ€™re actually fake as hell. Truly a dramatic school with 100% hoes and 100% f boys . The boys will ask for nudes 24/7 and the girls will do it for clout. And you have the few people who are actually mature.

Oh he goes to manor middle school? must be an f boy

by anonymousopinions2637 November 3, 2018