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Dog Bowling

A term coined at Crockett disc golf field in Franklin, TN describing the nature of discs that land upside down appearing to look like a dog bowl.

Andrei: Man, I’ve been dog bowling all day. Am I holding the disc wrong?
Elliott: It’s just the trees that keep flipping it over.

by TheAndreiMusic April 10, 2019

19πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Dog Smoother

One who's sole focus is to seek out and comfort, console and or befriend a Baby Mama with the single purpose of getting an easy lay.

The helpful dog smoother carried the baby mama's heavy diaper bags to her car.

by Dog Smoother April 24, 2009

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Dogged out

When a person unscruplessly mistreated their partner or significant other.

There's no way I'm gonna set Kimberly up with my brother; not after the way she dogged out John John and left him in tears.

The reason why my family can't stand that bitch ass nigga Bo is because he dogged out my sister and left her $20,000 in loan debts.

by Mackendeez January 12, 2018

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dog shit

1) Something that is worthless and of inferior quality.
2) Fecal excrement left by a dog.

(At the annual town chili festival)

Judge: "Alright Frank, we all know that you are a chili genious. You have made the best chili in town for two years already. No doubt that this will be your third year."
Frank: "Indeed sir, this is my latest recepie that I sure hope will make everyone's taste buds dance and sing! Go on, have a taste!"
Judge: *gets a spoon and tastes Frank's chili* *gags in disgust* "Why I am very sorry Frank, but this chili is utter dog shit."
Frank: "Whaaat!?"
Old Lady: "Hey you Frank, have you seen my Fido around here? He's a large Great Dane and I have had a history of trouble keeping him on my leash. I am very sure I saw him right here. In fact, I even saw him climb up onto your stove and take a crap in your chili while it was still cooking!"
Judge: *suddenly feels very sick and loses his dinner all over the ground*

Mark H. UrbanDictionary author since February 2004.

by Mark H May 7, 2005

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Rat Dog

Any animal of the Canine species that fits into a standard sized microwave.

Yapping, whining, biting ankles, and fitting into small purses are common amongst these animals.

KellEy: Check out my new puppy! She's a Chihuahua Yorkie mix.

Hailey: It's cute now, but just wait until it becomes a full-sized Rat Dog...

*KellEy hits Hailey

by HaileyM January 3, 2010

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dog egg

large dog turd, usually on the footpath or sidewalk

He stepped out of the car right into a larde dog egg

by egg collector January 28, 2004

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sly dog

A sneaky, devious, or just plain lucky chap who manages to be sneaky, devious, and lucky in an endearing way. Often used as a term of admiration.

"Hugh Hefner is the only man alive to have slept with Marilyn Monroe, Barbie Benton, Anna Nicole Smith, and Pamela Anderson - at the same time! The sly dog."

by Ashley Pomeroy April 11, 2007

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