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gumbo rolling

to cut the bull shit and get the work done

alright come on let’s get the gumbo rolling

by saucepolo October 15, 2020

Scrote Roll

An effort to be inconspicuous when scratching one's scrotum. A scrote roll is a very fast, very effective way to stop an itching sensation by grasping the itchy area with the thumb and forefinger, and sliding them in opposite directions, thus creating a rolling effect.

Hey Roger, 3 scrote rolls in one hour? You totally have crotch crickets.

by psuedonympho February 15, 2013

Candy rolling

The act of taking ecstasy.
(Not to be confused with candy flipping
The act of taking acid and ectstasy)

Eric:“Yo bro I took so much ecstasy last night “
Eric:“Yeah bro I was candy rolling

by Iceyn8 March 21, 2018

Rolling Stone

"Ross Lekkas"

A Complex minimalist.

Most people hide and give up when life doesn't go according to plan...this Cunt just rolls with it and Decides he will have the world and everything in it.

Defined by his patience when he had noting and his attitude when he had everything..a wolf dressed in sheeps clothing and loyal to the end.

"Why don't you just go home...I CANT RIGHT NOW IM A ROLLING STONE"

"Papa was a Rollin Stone."

"Have you seen my Rolex and is it still in good condition"

by HEKTOR Jnr June 20, 2018

tutsie roll

A mans penis when your in his white van and he's raping you

Come over here girl, you need my Tutsie roll in your mouth

by TutsieRollMan June 28, 2017

Whale Rolls

Meaning the rolls found on an abnormally large individual that causes an uncanny resemblance to the blue whale

Did you see them Whale Rolls on Emily?
Yeah, i almost feel obligated to harpoon her

by Tim Monaco Jr. July 12, 2008

Harrison roll

When you have a hook dick and need to come in from the side just to penetrate

Oi bro i slept with this chick but i had to do a harrison roll to get it in

by Wb5416 October 28, 2017