she was a softie but turned emo now. 😐 apparently cant tell the fact that im joking 😒 jk anyways love you pan ur a great friend wow ur so cool like wow aha wow - mika
that girl is so lovely her name is pan-chan/pan chan
The paradigm that an Abelian integral to solve the quintic equation would arbitrarily solve equations of every higher power.
Galois found that quintic equations were only solvable by a discrete set of Noether symmetries which all involved the conservation-of-energy but varied from quintic equation to equation.
Abel found that there was no algebraic solution to quintic polynomials and polynomials of a higher order.
Pan-integralism argues that if an Abelian integral can be found to solve quintic equations; it can solve all higher-order equations as well.
This integral would be a pentagon-shaped non-Tarski space with its vertices on the surface-interior of a circle...
An individual who is aroused by the thought of or act of, playing Panguingue.
Michael had a romantic evening planned with his wife, but being the pan-sexual he is, decided to play pip with Art.
Referring to"peter pan";
When a boy/man gets defeated verbally or man handled by another man in public, usually occuring between drunken teenagers and young men in there twenties at a party or social gathering.
When a male goes from boy to man via fight in public
"oh man, you so got pan handled last night at the party"
The perfect name for pan when your drunk for baking brownies
Theres no pan like my purrfuhdict pan to cook my brownies in.
When you are talking about a shallow dip of interest in a particular subject or preference for dating.
Jon: "Why you be skipping all them fine white chicks?"
Kevin: "Some of them are fine but you're tripping if you think they all are."
Jon: "What, that why you always sticking with colored women?"
Kevin: "I may like the occasional white chick; I may pan the river but I ain't opening a mine."
friend 1: hes in a red hot pan
friend 2: hes in a clarkey mood