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Lunar Pancake

Best YouTuber Ever That Has 56 Subscribers!!!!!!!

Is That Lunar Pancake, Can I Watch

by Lunar Pancake March 23, 2017

pancake spank

a spank on the ass, usually used for women.

hey judi, stop or ill give you a pancake spanking!

by issacman July 27, 2018

Egyptian Pancakes

When a dude is hitting a girl from behind and jizzes on her back, then lets the jizz dry, peels it off, and serves it up as a snack

Dude...I’m feeling freaky tonight! What ya say we hit up my girl for a three-some and have us some Egyptian pancakes?

by Jebenizer December 9, 2019

The Pancake God

The long lost Pancake gamer god

Oh my god! Are you watching The Pancakes Youtube channel!? The long lost gamer god?!

The long lost Pancake gamer god The Pancake God

by TOPG(ThAT one Pancake god) February 24, 2019

Pancake Attack

What one might say when having a panic attack. Usually someone who is often dramatic

M:I’m HaViNg A PaNcAkE aTtAcK
A: okay m ur done

by Tinaannabeth April 23, 2022

Philadelphia Pancake

1) Sexual position wherein both male and female are laying back facing each other, either in a scissor position or the females legs bent over the males. The penis must be semi-flaccid to bend properly when inserted into the vagina. The thrusting comes from a rapid succession of punches that contact the base of the penis and may even incorporate grazing of the vulva.

2) how you'd picture two paraplegics going at it

3) see Hawaiian handshake Philadelphia Fist bump

"We were so beat after bangin' all afternoon all we could do was the Philadelphia Pancake... Laziest shit I've ever done but damn was it good"

by CMDR Peaches November 2, 2019

Pancakes of Righteousness

A vagina.

"Hey duder, I totally shafted the Pancakes of Righteousness!"

by Chaoticist April 22, 2015