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cell phone

Device which transmits radiation that can give you tumors and phone calls.

dude #1: "I got testicular cancer from keeping my cell phone in my pocket!"

dude #2: "You're like Tom Green!"

by SLAYtanic February 2, 2005

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Dropping a cell phone onto your face when using it whilst lying down on a bed, couch, etc.

Guy1: *looks at Guy2's face* Oh god, what the hell's wrong with your nose?

Guy2* *points to bandage on bridge of nose* Uh... I was using my cell in bed last night and straight up dropped it on my face. Yeah, I pulled off a phone-to-face. Fuck my life, it hurts so much.

Guy1: Damn, I'm sorry, man.

by RokettoJanpu June 11, 2018

Phone Peeler

She's the woman who you are with and she likes to peel through your phone.

She's a Phone Peeler, AAAAAWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!

by onryou74 August 2, 2012

phone penis

When you stick a phone in a girls vagina on vibrate with male siri talking

That bitch got phone penised last night

by Nonyaxx February 20, 2016

dusty phone

The lack of business that forces an escort downmarket

'Remember Louella? She used to charge $250 as an iprondependent. Now she's in Diamond Girls at $60 a throw.'
'Dusty phone I reckon.'

by DippiusDappus July 30, 2020

Phone Postin

The occurrence of wrecking a work truck and getting it stuck on a post or two while reaching for a cell phone. Usually happens to a new foreman as he loops.

Nicholas is always driving around and phone postin.

by Nick Steri November 6, 2020


When someone is focused only on their phone and nothing else.

Completely ignorant to the outside world.

Usually this person is standing or walking slow as balls
with their eyes glued to their phone.

I told Brad the story about my ex, but he was in a phone-coma he didn't hear anything I said.

Bro, that guy almost got hit by a car and he didn't even notice!

I know bro, he's in a phone-coma.

by IsaiahtheBatman (ABH) October 10, 2011