An act which originated in Iloilo City, Philippines upon which, in order to maintain political hegemony, canditates use political contributions of one candidate for the benefit of rival candidates.
Political Prostitution is commonplace in Iloilo City, Philippines where turncoatism and treachery is rife. This happened to candidate Manny Villar in 2010 in Iloilo City.
A tactic employed by certain politicians and groups that want to push their political agendas where that group or politician will say and or do certain things related to supporting or opposing specific issues in order to get certain types of reactions from particular populations, interest groups, and or, in some cases, other politicians. They usually do this to get more votes from different populations in society, or to get more financial and or political support from particular interest groups.
Natasha: I heard Senator Murkowski recently gave a speech on how they supported efforts of oil companies to begin drilling in certain parts of Alaska. I’m not sure why she would give a speech like that when she supports moving the country towards using renewable energy sources to prevent climate change, which negatively impacts many populations in her state. I could cost her their support down the line.
Ronald: She maybe employing selective political pressure in order to get more support from certain oil companies and specific Native American communities by appearing to support an issue they care about.
A form of politics specifically confined to an individual and or separate group or organization from the rest of the greater whole. It is not necessarily non-aligned, unaffiliated, or cliquish, but it can be any one or the other depending on the particular political and or social biases and leanings of that particular group and its people.
You and your friends form a small separate group from the greater whole of the community or country, with its own group specific ideals, beliefs, and values.
It is a form of Group Think or Group Politics.
A book written by Karl Marx and published in 1867 that deals with the development of capitalism and its problems. It is generally highly admired for its foresight of how capitalism would eventually develop over time.
Note that Capital: A Critique of Political Economy is purely criticizing the status quo, predicting its development and pinpointing its problems, while the Manifesto of the Communist Party (or simply Communist Manifesto) offers possible solutions to these problems.
'Hey, I just read Capital: A Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx. And I now believe that the only way to create a fair society is by overthrowing the bourgeoisie.'
The thing that's ruining wikipedia. Btw the side of the political spectrum I'm on is
"Okay, so we're making a new article on Insert politic here, and we gotta remember to leave out as much political bias as possible."
Wikipedia editor: 😨😰
not accepting the democratic result and doing everything to try and reverse it, or question the process and say it was fraudulent
The Brexit process was dogged by petulant politics. Donald Trump engaged in petulant politics.
1: All of the different political identities that exist in the political spectrum
2: A family that has had various individuals from different generations within it run for office and or held political offices over many years
1: Libertarian is one of the political identities considered to be part of the political family.
2: An example of a political family would be the Kennedys, for a lot of people in that family have ran for and held political offices at numerous points in time.