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Pseudo Suicidal

Someone who wants the attention of one who has committed suicide, only without actually dying. These people often "attempt" suicide in very pathetic forms, such as lightly cutting themselves in places that would very rarely cause death, or taking a small amount of non-lethal pills.

See An Hero

"Did you hear that Liz tried to kill herself? I hope she's ok."

"She cut herself on the knee with a butterknife. She's pseudo suicidal"

by krudsma January 4, 2008

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suicide bombing

A very generous act were one or more people show there love to there gods people by killing innocent people. makes no fucking total sense but hey

In a bar 2 lovebugs make there debu at a bar after having a long conversation without taking there eyes off eachother
Rob:(writes on napkin)first kiss time?
Lucy:(writes on napkin) will you still love me in the morning? with slight giggle and gorgeous smile
Rob:(writes on napkin) Forever and ever babe X
they kiss and are truly in love withone another they are loving there life right now.

but no some generous man walks in and shouts "jihad"and ends there lives, fuk i hate this world and suicide bombing

by godlikejew July 19, 2009

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Semenal Suicide

Killing yourself by drowning in your own semen.

"He was found face down in a pool of his own semen. I wonder if they'll put Semenal Suicide for cause of death in the paper."

by roflwaffle08 October 20, 2008

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Suicide Rape

The act of raping someone to the point that they commit suicide.

Danny - What was the cause of death?

Julian - It was a case of suicide rape.

suicide rape death crime murder

by McGulian February 5, 2010

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Jello suicide

When you are trying to eat Jello in an impaired state and it jumps to its death somewhere below the dish.

โ€œDid any of that Jello get into your mouth?โ€

โ€œNo, it was a Jello suicide.โ€

by Bottom Ford April 4, 2010

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D.U.I Suicide

When something tragic in your life happens and you decide to get wasted and think suicidal thoughts thus inducing you to drive and kill yourself

Don't recommend suicide but if you are this is the way to go dying a hero

i can't belive that my girlfriend dumped me i think im gonna pull a D.U.I Suicide

by Suicidal Alcazar August 10, 2009

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Suicide bomber

A really fucking retarded towel head that walks into a crowded room and yells "ALLAH ACKBAR!!!" Meaning: "God is great" in Arabic. They are also world class demolition workers as they brang down to skyscrapers with only one plane, they even did it for free, what generous people they are. They also like to play soccer as most of them are actually Mexicans that got over their casual landscaping jobs. Suicide bombers also always get a great k/d ratio of about 115/1.

I'll put it this way, if u here "alalalalalalh" or "Allah ackbar" u are fucked. Cos dem suicide bombers want to wear ur skin.

by MyManMarkJohnson March 29, 2015

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