The sexual or nonsexual act of hopping up and down tescticle first on another's testicles.
John-"Where's Jimmy and Mackie."
Jeremy-"Ball bouncing at the masterbasium... where else."
The first ever weapon of mass-destruction. Used as a catalyst for winning lacrosse games, but when it's not tearing through the corners of a goal, can be a terribly destructive force that can break bones. Made out of pure rubber.
Little Tommy didn't know that when he threw his lacrosse ball, that it would fly out of his stick and smash a Ferrari, a window, then a lamp, next a television set, and then finally a man's femur.
giving the readers digest version of something, AKA "the gist of it"
I'm a very busy man and I don't have time for long drawn out explanations, just give me the cock and the balls of it.
In contact sports for example Rugby League, the Act of passing the football when you are too scared to take the hit up on your own, Instead passing the football late to a team mate putting them in a position where they will get hit hard by the opposition, potentially putting them into hospital .
Ryan has just thrown a real late ball, He should have taken the hit himself, What a hospital ball. Classic Ryan.
A term used to described an overpopulated social setting, i.e. bars, clubs, lines at Disney World, men's bathroom, etc. The setting being so packed that male genitalia, regardless of intention, are constantly rubbing on the buttcheeks of surrounding individuals.
" Man there are so many people in here tonight, it's balls to buttcheeks."
"We went there last night, the place was packed balls to buttcheeks."
When during a game of FIFA you completely mess up a simple pass, lobbed or through ball.
friend 1: you look like shit. What's wrong?
friend 2: I haven't came in 2 months
friend 1: Damn! You must have some fluxsys balls!