This is what embarrassing losers call their significant other for some stupid ass reason. What it really does is make you sound like a brain dead retarded 10 year old that is trying to be cool.
Don't ever use the term Bae because it's not a word and it makes you seem like you are an idiot punk who just makes up stupid ass words.
Korean name part- can either be used for the last name or as part of the first name (in Korea, the last/family name comes first, then the first/given name)
English examples of Korean names (that I made up):
Bae Joowon
Jung Baemin
Moon Seungbae
Describes a boy/girlfriend a pisses everyone that doesn't have a boy/girlfriend off
She's my bae
Bae is an acronym that stands for "boyfriend". That's the main translation, but it can also be used for saying "babe" "sweetie" "cutie" etc.
"Where my baes at?"
"Your bae is so sweet!"
"I want you to be my bae."