Source Code

bit shit

Something that's bad m9

That was a bit shit m9

by George m7 May 15, 2016

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Texan Drill Bit

A sexual act that involves a male penetrating a female butt while it is full of Shit. Usually done in a circular way. This takes the name of Texan Drill Bit because when a drill bit is digging, it does so while spinning and converting the soil to mud. Not very widespread Most Common in urban Texas, Tennessee, and Arizona.

Steve: Hey man why are you walking all funny like that.
Tom: Haley and I tried the Texan Drill Bit last night.
Steve: Oh yeah its gonna sting for a couple of Months.
Tom: Try telling that to Haley. She'll shit sideways weeks.

by rednecktxn October 4, 2010

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Gie it a bit pundie!

Put some effort into it!

At the football, a fan remonstrates a player who he feels is not applying himself dutifully for the amelioration of the team's performance :

"Haw you fuckin' bassa, gonnae gie it a bit pundie, eh, no?"

by Thingfish March 17, 2004

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To be used when questioned by friends about what happened with a particular person on any given time or date . normally used when full sex has not taken part but everything else without being specific in the exact details .

billy " what happened with you and tracey last night"

bob " not much"

billy " bits-n-bobs?"

bob " yeah bits-n-bobs"

by eddie sedz September 1, 2006

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My two bits

My two cents, adapted for programer humor.

Person:"I think java is slow"
Pajit:"Java is a very powerfull tool"* indian accent*
Person:"I don't know man, this are just my two bits on the issue"

by Phrgfdiefhshdjks May 12, 2018

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Picky nibbly bits

A term to describe irrelevant foods such as cheese or hummus. When feeling peckish and lazy you may tuck into โ€œpicky nibbly bitsโ€ to satisfy your hunger.

โ€œSophie would like to tuck into picky nibbly bitsโ€

by maddie grant August 21, 2021

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3-bit marriage

A state of being where you can have up to 7 spouses. Used a lot in Arabian countries. 3 bits (2 cubed) can store up to a value of 8, and you have 0 for no spouse, leaving you with 7 wives/husbands.

Yassin the Turk felt the limitations of the 3-bit marriage were too tight and converted to Cycle-Accurate Mormonism so he could have a 15-bit marriage and have a bigger family.

by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter December 24, 2007

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