Above-the-knee cutoff jean shorts; the male equivalent of Daisy Dukes. Most frequently worn by hipsters and/or the 1970s southern rock group RamJam.
I'm really hot, not to mention warm--wish I had some Lazy Lukes to take care of the latter problem.
A member of TGFbro with a dead trim
Jay:oi luke spittle ya trims dead bruv
Luke yakelashek is a total God everyone loves him especially your mom hes smart and funny as hell and especially a hottie. All around he is my best friend
From Luke Murdock
Awe man, my mom just left the house
Ya shes at Luke yakelasheks house
Two soulmates that enjoy spending long evenings together under the full moon before one of them turns into a werewolf and gets killed because he is a naughty wolf
“Wow they are being schey and luke right now”
LUKE ROSE is a great supine invertabrate jelly , smegma everywhere.
your such a Luke Rose i can smell that from here.
The owner of Emodi_wilderness (YouTube and twitch) go sub! Anyway wants to become hunter and want to travel the world and just go fishing hunting camping and all that jazzz
Wow Luke emodi is the owner of Emodi_wilderness!!! That’s my favorite YouTube channel
Really annoying. Like super annoying. He is the most annoying person you will meet along with a matty.
Who u with ?
Ugh Luke again
He's so annoying
Well annoying Luke is annoying