A bidet toilet with different masssage settings that give women orgasms.
The hotel room didn't have a removable shower head so she used the horny toilet.
Situation when you have a problem, e.g. at work, but don't know how to solve it, and when you are in the toilet - preferably taking a shit - you suddenly come with the solution.
Guys! I have a solution for that nasty bug! I was sitting in the lavatory when got enlightened by the toilet wisdom.
When you pee in the urinal with ice and it makes a deep, circular hole.
I went toilet mining today and sent a picture to all my friends to show them how deep I got
Hanako kun is a toilet ghost who lives on the third floor girls bathroom in the third stall
Someone that comes into your office from another company purely just to pee everywhere and show sass when we don't let her in.
Oh no we've got to let toilet duck in again
Bruising and/or discomfort in the chest area resulting from leaning on the toilet bowl while vomiting for an extended period of time.
Those strawberry Frules made me puke all night. I got a serious case of toilet chest this morning.
It is the best thing to di in the world as it saves water energy and time, where the act of 2 friends sharing one toilet
1-Kim and Jannah are always talking about toilet-sharing, it must be great!
2-Toilet-sharing is an important thing to do!