A waste of time is what you're doing right now, but I know you want to read. Right now, you could be browsing a way to cure cancer, maybe even win an olimpics. Whatever just be productive, don't read this. Oh, well seems like your life is useless apparently to you reading this without a break nonstop, wanna play a game outside- oh wait you don't know what the word "outside" means.
Now you thought the waste of time was wrong right? Well sad to say but.. it isn't.. So why are you here? Is there a giant gold medal, perhaps you will get a noble prize for most time wasted? NOPE just wasted life cycle. Now please go... GO PLEASE whatever seems like you don't want to leave.. well this text is almost over meaning you have to in.. 3. 2. 1. HAH GO now
Feeling Faint, Sick, Tired, Awful! Etc
Girl 1 - "Ugh I Feel Like Fainting & These Cramps!"
Girl 2 - "Omg! Your juss Period Wasted 💁🏼"
Somebody that’s totally useless to the human population mine , No good for nothing ,
I can’t believe the boss hired this guy he’s a total waste of skin
A commonly used English word used to describe a product that cannot be used by the consumer.
A dissatisfying occurrence resulting in the lack or absence of a product or decreased productivity.
John: "Shut the Fuck Up"
Wasted upload means: you uploaded something to (for example 9gag) and it didn't get very popular and now you have to wait before you can upload again
1st guy says "oh man I can't wait to upload this to 9gag it's gonna be so popular I will get to hot in no time"
(3 hours later)
2nd guy "dude have you seen your post it's not doing so hot"
1st guy "what do you mean?"
2nd guy "see, your post only has 17 points and 4 comments"
1st guy "oh man! I can't believe it, it was such a wasted upload and now I have to wait before I and can upload again"